Assessing Intelligence in Children and Adolescents
:A Practical Guide
/ John H. Kranzler, Randy G. Floyd
New York
: Guilford Press
, 2013.
xiv, 258 p.
: ill.
(The Guilford practical intervention in the schools series)
"Featuring reproducible forms, sample scripts, and other clinical tools, this indispensable book shows how to select, administer, and interpret evidence-based intelligence tests for a variety of purposes. It provides quick-reference guidelines for comprehensively assessing an individual K-12 student and sharing the results through effective written reports and in-person meetings. Basic concepts in intellectual assessment are concisely explained and the role of testing in a response-to-intervention framework is addressed. The large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series. See also the comprehensive reference Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, Tests, and Issues, edited by Dawn P. Flanagan and Patti L. Harrison"--Provided by publisher. "Subject Areas/Keywords: adolescents, assessments, children, cognitive assessment, elementary, giftedness, intellectual assessment, intellectual disabilities, intelligence testing, IQ, learning disabilities, psychological assessment reports, psychometrics, response to intervention, RTI, school psychology, secondary, SLD, specific learning disability, tests"--Provided by publisher. Machine generated contents note: 1. What Is Intelligence? -- 2. How and Why Do People Differ in Intelligence? -- 3. Ethics in Assessment -- 4. The Assessment Process with Children and Adolescents, with Ryan L. Farmer -- 5. Selecting the Best Intelligence Tests -- 6. Interpreting Intelligence Test Scores -- 7. A Review of Intelligence Tests, with Ryan L. Farmer -- 8. Sharing the Results of Individual Assessments -- 9. Response to Intervention and Intellectual Assessment -- 10. Assessment of Intellectual Disability -- 11. Assessment of Intellectual Giftedness -- 12. Assessment of Learning Disabilities -- 13. Assessment of Children and Adolescents from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds.