Contents: Earlier critics of Measure for measure.- Measure for measure on the modern stage by R.David -Recent productions of Measure for measure, by H.Hobson.-Shakespeare and his mosern editors, by W.W.Robson.- Measure for measure and the Gospels, by G.W.Knight.-Real life and artifice, by W.W. Lawrence.-The ambiguity of Measure for measure by L.C.Knights.-The meaning of Measure for measure,by C.Leech -Realism and folk-lore, by E.M.W. Tillgord.-Sense in Measure for measure, by w.Empson.-Design and structure in Measure for measure, by D.L.Stevenson.-Justice and King James in Measure for measure, by E.Schanrer
Mesaure for measure ، Shakespeare, William, 4651-6161