1. Some remarks on the transmission of the Kayanian heroic cycle. / M. Boyce / ) In: Serta Cantabrigiensia. , 1954, 45-52( -- 2. The Indian (Fables in The letter of Tansar / M. Boyce / ) AM.Ns, v.I, 1995, 50-58 (.-- 3. some parthian abecedarian hymns. / M. Boyce / )AM. NS, V,1, 1955, 50-58 (.-- 4. Some remarks on the present state of the Iranian Manichaean MSS. from Turfan, together with additions and corrections to Manichaean Hymn - Cycles in Parthian. / M. Boyce / )in : mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung. Iv, Heft 2, 1956, 314 - 332(.-- 5. SOme reflections on Zurvanism. / M. Boyce/ ) BSOAS, 1957, XIX/2, 304 - 316 (.--6. The parthian Gosan and Iranian Minstrel tradition. / M. Boyce/ )JRAS, APRIL 1957, 10 - 45 (.--7. ] Review of; [ jean - pierre de Menasce ; Une encyclopedie mazdeenne : Le Denkart. Quatre conferences donnees a IUniversite de paris sous les auspices de la fondation Ratanbai Katrak. Bibliotheque de I Ecole des Hautes. section des Sciencer Religieuses, vol LXIX( Paris, 1958. / M. Boyce/ )in :Bsoas, 23, 1960, 149 - 150 (.-- 8. ] Review of: Geo Widengren, Mani und der Manichaismus. Urban - Bucher No. 57. Stuttgart, 1961./ M. Boyce / )in: IIJ. VII, 1963, 1. 74 - 76.(.--9. The use of relative particles in Western Middle Iranian. / M. Boyce / ) in: INDO - IRANICA : melanges presentes aGeorg Morgenstierne a Loccasion de son soixante - dixieme anniversaire Wiesbaden, Otte Harrassowitz, 1954. 28 -47. (.-- 10. Atas - zohr and Ab - zohr. / M. Boyce/ )JRAS. October, 100 - 118 (.-- 11. the fire - Temples of Kerman. ) Ao, xxx, 1966, 51 - 72.( .-- 12. Bibi Shahrbanu and the Lady of pars. / M. Boyce / )BSOAS, XXX, 1, 1967, 30 - 44 (.-- 13. ]Review of: [ Dr. J. M. Unvala Memorial volume. Bombay, 1964 / M. Boyce / ) IIJ, X, 2- 3 1967, 218 (.-- 14. on the sacred Fires of the Zoroastrians. / M. Boyce/ )BSOAS. XXXI, 1, 1968, 52 - 68.(.-- 15. The pious foundations of the Zoroastrians. / M. Boyce/ )BSOAS. XXXI, 2, 1968, 270 - 289.( -- 16. Middle persian literature./ M. Boyce /)in : Handbuch der Orientalistik, Iranistik, II, Literature, 1, 1968, 31 - 66 (
عنوان قراردادی
عنوان قراردادي
#Opera minora )15(
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )