System Requirments: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word 2003. This CD-ROM Includes Works of "Aurelius Augustinus".He Was Bishop of Hippo Regius, and a Philosopher and Theologian. Augustine, a Latin Church Father, is one of the Most Important Figures in the Development of Western Christianity. These Works As Follow: Augustine's Confessions/ Christian Doctrin, in Four Book, City of God Book 1-22/ Confessions & Enchiridion/ De Genesi Ad Litteram Libri Duodecim/ Die Bekenntnisse Des Heiligen Augustinus/ Handbook On Faith, Hope and Love/ In Heptateuchum/ Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol 1/ On The Trinity Book 1-15/ Selection From City of God/ The Confessions of Saint Augustine/ The Soliloquies