In the following, I argue that approaches from Jean-Luc Marion's recent phenomenology unpack Chesterton's autobiography account in Orthodoxy. I examine how the arrival of an event or a revelation tasks him with a response, even if an unintegrated one, and how Chesterton's undertaking illustrates this manifestation of converting events by virtue of gradual transformation. To do this, I look at how the phenomenologically rich givenness of an event overcomes the limits of the Kantian imperial ego, and in its place, offers paradoxical and thick experience of that which saturates the one who is given the revelation. In the following, I argue that approaches from Jean-Luc Marion's recent phenomenology unpack Chesterton's autobiography account in Orthodoxy. I examine how the arrival of an event or a revelation tasks him with a response, even if an unintegrated one, and how Chesterton's undertaking illustrates this manifestation of converting events by virtue of gradual transformation. To do this, I look at how the phenomenologically rich givenness of an event overcomes the limits of the Kantian imperial ego, and in its place, offers paradoxical and thick experience of that which saturates the one who is given the revelation.
تاريخ نشر
توصيف ظاهري
Religion and the Arts
شماره جلد
شماره استاندارد بين المللي پياييندها
اصطلاحهای موضوعی کنترل نشده
اصطلاح موضوعی
اصطلاح موضوعی
Being Given
اصطلاح موضوعی
اصطلاح موضوعی
اصطلاح موضوعی
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )