"This article on "The Holy Spirit and Eschatology" was written by Melodyland School of Theology just following the last session of a seminar on eschatology. For almost three months some dozen graduate students had been meeting twice a week to study and reflect upon the whole range of matters having to do with eschatology, or the "last things." As their leader I told them at our final meeting of my intention to write an article on "The Holy Spirit and Eschatology," and asked them for their suggestions. The seminar had not really focused on the Holy Spirit as such: it was much more on such matters as Jesus Christ our "blessed hope," the Kingdom, eternal life and so on. However, the seminar was quick to express a number of ideas concerning the Holy Spirit and eschatology. So I shall summarize some of these, along with a few additional reflections. For brevity these will be listed under several headings. This article on "The Holy Spirit and Eschatology" was written by Melodyland School of Theology just following the last session of a seminar on eschatology. For almost three months some dozen graduate students had been meeting twice a week to study and reflect upon the whole range of matters having to do with eschatology, or the "last things." As their leader I told them at our final meeting of my intention to write an article on "The Holy Spirit and Eschatology," and asked them for their suggestions. The seminar had not really focused on the Holy Spirit as such: it was much more on such matters as Jesus Christ our "blessed hope," the Kingdom, eternal life and so on. However, the seminar was quick to express a number of ideas concerning the Holy Spirit and eschatology. So I shall summarize some of these, along with a few additional reflections. For brevity these will be listed under several headings."
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