The hermeneutical method of tracing the 'history of effects', pioneered by Ulrich Luz, has recently been appreciated by Pentecostal biblical scholars as holding much promise for moving beyond notions of 'flat text' to recog nize the word of God moving in and through life. As a case study in this method, this paper examines the interpretations of 3 Jn 2 as they surface in the works of Tertullian, Augustine, Bede, Le Maistre De Sacy, Ambrosius Catharinus, John Bird Sumner, Albert Barnes, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Raymond Brown, Frederick Price, and Paul Yonggi Cho. After discussing each interpretation in relation to the life of its interpreter, the results are assessed in relation to a Pentecostal approach to Scripture. The history of the effects of 3 Jn 2 will remind academicians and the community of faith alike that the Bible is truly a living revelation.Beloved, concerning all thingsI wish you to prosper and be in health,Even as your soul prospers (author's own translation of 3 Jn 2). The hermeneutical method of tracing the 'history of effects', pioneered by Ulrich Luz, has recently been appreciated by Pentecostal biblical scholars as holding much promise for moving beyond notions of 'flat text' to recog nize the word of God moving in and through life. As a case study in this method, this paper examines the interpretations of 3 Jn 2 as they surface in the works of Tertullian, Augustine, Bede, Le Maistre De Sacy, Ambrosius Catharinus, John Bird Sumner, Albert Barnes, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Raymond Brown, Frederick Price, and Paul Yonggi Cho. After discussing each interpretation in relation to the life of its interpreter, the results are assessed in relation to a Pentecostal approach to Scripture. The history of the effects of 3 Jn 2 will remind academicians and the community of faith alike that the Bible is truly a living revelation.Beloved, concerning all thingsI wish you to prosper and be in health,Even as your soul prospers (author's own translation of 3 Jn 2).
تاريخ نشر
توصيف ظاهري
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
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