"In her Presidential Address at the Tenth IAMS Conference in Hammanskraal, South Africa, President Chun Chae Ok first outlines an understanding of mission that takes into account both the misunderstandings and abuses of past centuries and involves crossing boundaries, inclusion and diversity-all done in Christ's name. President Chun then points to three movements in mission practice and reflection which are distinctively new as we move into our new millennium: that mission is being done today by former "objects" of mission in the South who are now the "subjects" of missionary activity; that mission is being done out of poverty and oppression, not out of riches and security; and that those who were formerly the "subjects" of mission--the rich nations of the North and West--are now the "objects" of mission. Given this understanding of mission in this new context, Chun outlines several characteristics of mission in the new millennium: it is to be a cooperative effort; it should be aim at and carried out by the world's youth; it should be holistic and ecological; it should celebrate life; it should preach Christ clearly; it should be the activity of local churches; it should work for unity; and it should be committed to reconciliation of human and cosmic wounds. In her Presidential Address at the Tenth IAMS Conference in Hammanskraal, South Africa, President Chun Chae Ok first outlines an understanding of mission that takes into account both the misunderstandings and abuses of past centuries and involves crossing boundaries, inclusion and diversity-all done in Christ's name. President Chun then points to three movements in mission practice and reflection which are distinctively new as we move into our new millennium: that mission is being done today by former "objects" of mission in the South who are now the "subjects" of missionary activity; that mission is being done out of poverty and oppression, not out of riches and security; and that those who were formerly the "subjects" of mission--the rich nations of the North and West--are now the "objects" of mission. Given this understanding of mission in this new context, Chun outlines several characteristics of mission in the new millennium: it is to be a cooperative effort; it should be aim at and carried out by the world's youth; it should be holistic and ecological; it should celebrate life; it should preach Christ clearly; it should be the activity of local churches; it should work for unity; and it should be committed to reconciliation of human and cosmic wounds."
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توصيف ظاهري
Mission Studies
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