ABSTRACT"It Was NEVER Fiction:" The Decolonized Voice of Michele SerrosbyAdrianna Marie Bayer SimoneClare Hemmings' Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Feminist Theory (2011) posits three types of narratives-progress, loss, and return. She argues that all stories fall into one of these categories, with the most desired ones existing as return narratives. I argue that Hemmings does not account for decolonial stories and that an additional type of narrative is needed. As a decolonized voice, Chicana author Michele Serros embodies an ambiguous and transformative form of storytelling. I liken it to a DNA helix with multiple layers and threads that connect in a continuum of space and time. I critically analyze Serros' writing conventions, such as her confessional and often autobiographical undertones, as techniques that illuminate new ways of understanding race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality. Her most well-known books, How to Be a Chicana Role Model (2000) and Chicana Falsa and Other Stories of Death, Identity, and Oxnard (1997), offer poems, essays, and short stories that exemplify a decolonized voice. I critically analyze major themes from these books, such as the term "role model," and show how a decolonized voice expands one's understandings about ideologies. I utilize Anzaldúa's theory from Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (2007) and essays from This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, 1981-2001 (2002) as a form of archeological reading for literature that is "theory in the flesh"-the lived reality of a person's life presented as fiction. I supplement the notions of embodied literature with somatic theory to demonstrate how Serros' mind and body offer counter stories to hegemonic ones. A decolonized voice is a significant contribution to academic theory because it is a new way of writing, reading, and analyzing stories. This work combines theoretical analyses, oral histories derived from several interviews with the author, and interdisciplinary methodologies used to create a dynamic approach to understanding Chicanx and Latinx literature. A diverse methodological approach creates the space for a decolonial analysis that is untethered and nonconformist, which illuminates a new way of understanding literature and society.
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