یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Intro; Preface by Umut Akgun; Preface by Mustafa Karahan; Preface by Pietro S. Randelli; Preface by João Espregueira-Mendes; Contents; Part I: Basic Sciences; 1: Terminology; 1.1 History; 1.2 Components of a Knot (Fig. 1.1); 1.3 Properties of Knots; 1.3.1 Strength; 1.3.2 Security; 1.3.3 Knot Handling; 1.3.4 Material; 1.4 General Principles of Knot Tying; 1.5 Types of Knots; 1.5.1 Static Knots; 1.5.2 Slip Knots; 1.5.3 Stoppers; 1.5.4 Bends; References; 2: Biological Properties of Suture Materials; 2.1 Nonabsorbable Sutures; 2.2 Absorbable Sutures.
متن يادداشت
2.2.1 Older Materials (Chromic, Gut)2.2.2 Newer Materials; 2.2.3 Partially Absorbable Suture; 2.3 Biologic Augmentations for Sutures; 2.4 Clinical Performance of Absorbable Sutures; References; 3: Mechanical Properties of Suture Materials; 3.1 The History of Suture; 3.2 Different Mechanical Properties; 3.3 The US Pharmacopeia Standard; 3.4 Standards Change; 3.5 The Mechanical Properties of Sutures; 3.5.1 Tensile Strength; 3.5.2 Knot-Pull Tensile Strength; 3.5.3 Stiffness; 3.5.4 Flexibility; 3.5.5 Knot and Loop Security; 3.5.6 Suture Slippage; 3.5.7 Damaged Sutures.
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3.5.8 Material Abrasion3.5.9 Suture Memory; 3.5.10 Anchors or Bone Tunnels?; 3.5.11 Alternative "Suture Materials"; References; 4: Biomechanics in Knot Tying; 4.1 Loop Security, Loop Elongation, and Loop Circumference; 4.2 Knot Security; 4.3 Elongation; 4.4 Friction; 4.5 Strength; 4.6 Stiffness; 4.7 Elasticity and Viscoelasticity; 4.8 Abrasion Resistance; 4.9 Static Creep and Dynamic Creep; 4.10 Load to failure and Mode of Failure; 4.11 Cyclic Loading; 4.12 Yield Load; References; 5: Failure Modes of Knots and Sutures; 5.1 Suture Breakage; 5.2 Knot Loosening or Slippage.
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5.2.1 Technical Errors5.2.2 Knot Characteristics; 5.3 Knot Breakage or Unraveling; 5.3.1 Knot Breakage Usually Occurs Due to Technical Errors; 5.4 Tissue Breakage; 5.4.1 Tension on the Repair Zone; 5.4.2 Improper Selection of Sutures; 5.4.3 Tying Technique; 5.4.4 Suture Configuration; References; Part II: Open Knot Tying; 6: Square Knot; 6.1 Square Knot Tying by the Hands; 6.1.1 Left-Handed Square Knot Tying (Figs. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, and 6.11).
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6.1.2 Right-Handed Square Knot Tying (Figs. 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.17, 6.18, 6.19, 6.20, 6.21, and 6.22)6.2 Tips and Tricks to Maintain Security in a Square Knot; 6.3 Square Knot Tying by an Instrument; 7: Surgeon's Knot; 7.1 Step-By-Step Demonstration of Surgeon's Knot by Using Left and Right Hands; 7.1.1 Two-Handed Technique; 7.1.2 One-Handed Technique, Left Hand; 7.1.3 One-Handed Technique, Right Hand; 7.2 Step-By-Step Demonstration of Surgeon's Knot by Using a Needle Holder (Left and Right Hands); 7.3 Tips to Maintain Loop Security While Preparing Surgeon's Knot.
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
This well-illustrated book presents the state of the art in suture materials and provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to tie the most frequently used knots. The opening section addresses terminological issues and describes how the biological and mechanical properties of suture materials may impact on healing potential. The basics of knot biomechanics are explained, highlighting the risk of failure of knots and sutures if their capacities are exceeded. Subsequent sections give precise instructions on the tying techniques for the various open and arthroscopic knots, including the square knot, the surgeon's knot, half hitches, and sliding and non-sliding knots. The special instruments available to facilitate the tying of arthroscopic knots are thoroughly discussed, equipping the surgeon with the knowledge required to ensure optimal handling of the soft tissues and manipulation of sutures in arthroscopic surgery. A literature review on suture materials and arthroscopic knots completes the coverage. This book is published in cooperation with ESSKA. It will be a valuable instruction manual for surgeons in training and will supply more experienced surgeons with an excellent update that will further enhance their practice.