Harnessing Spirituality Within Traditional Healing Systems: APersonal JourneyIntroduction; My Own Spiritual Foundations; The Life ofImmigrants andRefugees; Community Identity asaSpiritual Identity; The Story ofMot; Prayer asaForm ofCommunion andHealing; Metaphors asConduits ofHealing; Rites ofPassage; References; The Tao As & OfSpiritual Healing: Reframing Reconciliation andRecovery; Winning by Losing; Clinical Constructs; Grace Unfolding; Finding anAffirming Community; Walking intheWay oftheTao; References; Meaning Making Through Family Constellation Work; Introduction
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Honoring People's Voice andTheir Right toChoose How They Tell Their StoryCase Examples; Conclusion; References; The Gift That Keeps onGiving: Culturally Relevant Integration ofSpirituality inFamily Therapy WithAfrican American Families; Locating Myself; Connecting withthePast inOrder toMove Forward; Beliefs; Spirituality andReligion; Folk Wisdom; Inspiring Hope inClinical Practice; Alyson; Hope andHealing inCommunity-Based Interventions; Working Across Differences; Drawing onSpirit toAct intheFace ofDespair; References