Perspectives in nursing management and care for older adults
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متن يادداشت
Epidemiology of Pain in Older People -- Pathophysiology of Pain -- The Assessment of Pain in Older People -- Non-pharmacological management of Pain in the Elderly -- Pharmacological Treatment of Pain -- Pain in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities -- Pain in Critically Ill Older Patients -- Attitudes and Barriers to Pain Management in the Ageing Population -- Translating Knowledge to Improve Pain Management Practices for Older Adults
متن يادداشت
Intro; Preface; Contents; Abbreviations; 1: Epidemiology of Pain in Older People; 1.1 Prevalence of Pain in the Aging Population; 1.2 Pain and Comorbidities; References; 2: Pathophysiology of Pain; 2.1 Definitions of Pain; 2.2 Acute Pain; 2.2.1 Peripheral Mechanisms; Nociceptors and Primary Afferent Fibres; Algogenic Substances Responsible for Nociceptor Sensitization; 2.2.2 Central Mechanisms: Spinal Level; Primary Afferent Fibre Input; Spinal Sensory Neurons; Neurotransmitters; 2.2.3 Central Mechanisms: Supraspinal Level.
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2.2.4 When Acute Pain Becomes Chronic; 2.2.5 Peripheral Sensitization; 2.2.6 Central Sensitization; Induction Phase of Central Sensitization; Maintaining Central Sensitization; 2.3 Neuropathic Pain; 2.4 Pain Modulation Mechanisms; 2.5 Opioidergic System; 2.6 Descending Inhibitory Controls from the Brainstem; 2.7 Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls Induced by Nociceptive Stimulation (DNICs); 2.8 Descending Facilitatory Controls; 2.9 Age Differences in Clinical Pain States; 2.9.1 Changes in Pain Perception and Pain Thresholds with Ageing.
متن يادداشت Changes of Clinical Pain Report in Older Age; Importance of Psychosocial Factors on Pain Perception in Older Age; 2.9.2 Changes of Pathophysiology of Pain in Older Age; Changes of Central Nervous System in Older Age: The Impact of Dementia; 2.10 Summary; References; 3: The Assessment of Pain in Older People; 3.1 Pain: A Biopsychosocial Model; 3.2 The Assessment of Pain: A Systematic Approach; 3.3 Case Descriptions of Older People and the Assessment of Pain; 3.3.1 Case 1: Older Patient with Acute Pain after a Fracture.
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3.3.2 Case 2: Older Patient with Chronic Pain Due to Cancer; 3.3.3 Case 3: Older Patient with Cognitive Impairment Due to Dementia; 3.4 Screening; 3.5 Focused Assessment of Pain; 3.6 Pain Monitoring; 3.7 Implications for Practice, Practice Development, and Research; References; 4: Non-pharmacological Management of Pain in the Elderly; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Self-Management of Pain; 4.3 Distraction; 4.4 Exercise and Increase in Physical Activity; 4.5 Complementary Therapies; 4.6 Massage; 4.7 Herbal Remedies/Dietary Supplements; 4.8 Acupuncture; 4.9 Relaxation; 4.10 Guided Imagery.
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4.11 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation; 4.12 Use of Temperature; 4.13 Psychological Interventions; 4.14 Mindfulness; 4.15 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; References; 5: Pharmacological Treatment of Pain; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Pharmacological Changes with Aging; 5.2.1 Pharmacokinetic Changes; 5.2.2 Pharmacodynamic Changes; 5.3 Analgesics and Pain Treatment in Older Adults; 5.3.1 Acute and Chronic Pain; 5.3.2 Neuropathic Pain; 5.4 Pain Treatment and Behavioral or Psychological Symptoms; References; 6: Pain in Older Adults with Intellectual Disabilities.
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
This book addresses relevant issues to enhance pain management nurses need to advocate for effective pain treatment in the elderly. Significant changes in the evolving nursing and healthcare environment require adequate information on this topic, as pain is a very challenging area. As other care professionals, nurses are daily confronted with issues on pain assessment and management. This volume offers an overview within an evolving health environment, in which nurses dealing with pain play a growing role. It showcases best practices in pain assessment and management, details non pharmacological and pharmacological treatments. It also addresses core issues defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), such as knowledge translation, that are most relevant for clinical nurses, student nurses, nurse researchers as well as other care professionals.