یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Part I. Critical theory and the domination of nature. Marx and Engels on ecology / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels ; edited by Howard L. Parsons ; The concept of enlightenment / Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno ; translated by John Cumming ; Ecology and revolution / Herbert Marcuse ; The domination of nature / William Leiss ; The failed promise of critical theory / Robyn Eckersley -- Part II. Globalization. Corporate globalization / Rosemary Radford Ruether ; Global capitalism and the end of nature / Joel Kovel ; Global ecological movements / Brian Tokar ; Population and poverty / Barry Commoner ; Natural capitalism / Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins -- Part III. Deep, social, and socialist ecology. Deep ecology / Arne Naess ; The deep ecology movement / Bill Devall ; Ecocentrism and the anthropocentric detour / George Sessions ; The concept of social ecology / Murray Bookchin ; Socialism and ecology / James O'Connor -- Part IV. Ecofeminism. The time for ecofeminism / Françoise d'Eaubonne ; translated by Ruth Hottell ; The ecofeminist connection / Ariel Kay Salleh ; Ecosocial feminism as a general theory of oppression / Val Plumwood ; Ecofeminist movements / Noël Sturgeon ; Towards a feminist green socialism / Mary Mellor.
متن يادداشت
Part V. Environmental justice. The importance of environmental justice / Peter Wenz ; Confronting environmental racism / Robert Bullard ; The environmental justice movement / Luke Cole and Sheila Foster ; Development, ecology, and women / Vandana Shiva ; Conservation refugees / Mark Dowie -- Part VI. Spiritual ecology. Reinventing Eden / Carolyn Merchant ; Toward a healing of self and world / Joanna Macy ; The spiritual dimension of green politics / Charlene Spretnak ; Ecology and process theology / John Cobb Jr. ; Recovering the sacred / Winona LaDuke -- Part VII. Postmodern science. Systems theory and the new paradigm / Fritjof Capra ; The ecology of order and chaos / Donald Worster ; Postmodern science and a postmodern world / David Bohm ; Predictability : does the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? / Edward Lorenz ; Science in a world of limited predictability / Ilya Prigogine -- Conclusion. Principles of environmental justice / The First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit.
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"UMTS Network Planning, Optimization, and Inter-Operation with GSM is an accessible, one-stop reference to help engineers effectively reduce the time and costs involved in UMTS deployment and optimization. Rahnema includes detailed coverage from both a theoretical and practical perspective on the planning and optimization aspects of UMTS, and a number of other new techniques to help operators get the most out of their networks." "Rahnema demonstrates detailed formulation of radio capacity and coverage in UMTS, and discusses the tradeoffs involved. He presents complete link budgeting and iterative simulations for capacity and coverage planning, along with practical guidelines. UMTS Network Planning contains seventeen cohesive and well-organized chapters which cover numerous topics." "Perfect for professionals in the field and researchers specializing in network enhancement. Engineers working on other air interfaces and next generation technologies will find many of the techniques introduced helpful in designing and deploying future wireless networks as well. Students and professionals new to the wireless field will also find this book to be a good foundation in network planning, performance analysis, and optimization."--BOOK JACKET.