یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references (pages 360-377) and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
6. A philosophical history of "worldview" : the twentieth century II : "Worldview" and "world picture" in Ludwig Wittgenstein ; Donald Davison on "conceptual schemes" ; "Worldview" and postmodernity -- 7. A disciplinary history of "world view" I : the natural sciences. Michael Polanyi's tacit dimension and personal knowledge in the natural sciences ; Thomas Kuhn's paradigm revolution in the philosophy of science -- 8. A disciplinary history of "worldview" II : The social sciences. "Worldview" in psychology. Sigmund Freud : "The question of a Weltanschauung" ; C.G. Jung : "Psychotherapy and a philosophy of life" -- "Worldview" in sociology. Karl Mannheim : "On the interpretation of Weltanschauung" ; Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann : The sociology of knowledge and sacred canopy ; Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels : Worldview and ideology -- "Worldview" in cultural anthropology. Michael Kearney : Worldview ; Robert Redfield : The primitive and modern worldviews.
متن يادداشت
9. Theological reflections on "worldview". Worldviews and "worldview" -- Christian worldview and "worldview" : Issues of objectivity ; Issues of subjectivity ; Issues of sin and spiritual warfare ; Issues of grace and redemption -- 10. Philosophical reflections on "worldview". Worldview and semiotics ; Worldview and narrative ; Worldview and reason ; Worldview and hermeneutics ; Worldview and epistemology -- 11. Concluding reflections. Dangers of worldview ; Benefits of worldview -- Epilogue : Eustace in C.S. Lewis's The voyage of the "Dawn Treader" -- Appendix A: Synopses of additional evangelical worldview contributions : James H. Olthuis ; Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton ; Albert M. Wolters ; Arthur F. Holmes ; James W. Sire ; Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey -- Appendix B: A bibliography of books on the Christian worldview not addressed in this volume.
متن يادداشت
Prologue : Uncle Andrew in C.S. Lewis's The magician's nephew -- 1. The wonder of worldview I : Protestant evangelicalism. Original worldview thinkers in Protestant evangelicalism. James Orr ; Gordon H. Clark and Carl F.H. Henry ; Abraham Kuyper -- Herman Dooyeweerd ; Francis A. Schaeffer -- 2. The wonder of worldview II : Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Roman Catholicism ; Eastern Orthodoxy -- 3. A philological history of "worldview". Word studies on Weltanschauung ; The first use of Weltanschauung in Immanuel Kant ; The use of Weltanschauung in German and other European languages -- Weltanschauung and "worldview" in the English-speaking world -- 4. A philosophical history of "worldview" : the nineteenth century. "Worldview" in G.W.F Hegel ; "Worldview" and "Lifeview" in Søren Kierkegaard ; "Worldview" in Wilhelm Dilthey -- "Worldview" and perspectivism in Friedrich Nietzsche -- 5. A philosophical history of "worldview" : the twentieth century. "Worldview" in Edmund Husserl ; "Worldview" in Karl Jaspers ; "Worldview" in Martin Heidegger.
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Conceiving of Christianity as a "worldview" has been one of the most significant events in the church in the last 150 years. In this new book David Naugle provides the best discussion yet of the history and contemporary use of worldview as a totalizing approach to faith and life. --publisher website.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )