یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Abbreviations; Introduction; PART I Epigram: Features and Definitions; Chapter One What Is an Epigram?: Defining a Genre; 1.1 The Problem; 1.2 Ideas of Greek Epigram Through Time; 1.3 Ideas of Latin Epigram Through Time; 1.4 Modern Theories; 1.5 Towards an Identikit; Note; References; Chapter Two A Gallery of Characters: Real Persons and Fictitious Types in Epigram; 2.1 Real Persons in Epigram; 2.2 Fictitious Characters in Epigram; 2.3 Suggestions for Further Research; Notes; References
متن يادداشت
6.2 Hellenistic Epigram6.3 Catullus; 6.4 Martial; 6.5 Later Greek and Latin Epigram; Notes; References; Chapter Seven The Meters of Epigram: Elegy and Its Rivals; 7.1 Beginnings; 7.2 Elegiacs and Alternatives; 7.3 Elegiacs, the Default Norm; 7.4 Rome; 7.5 Some Roman Alternatives to Elegiacs; References; Chapter Eight Epigram in Epic and Greek Tragedy: Generic Interactions; 8.1 Epi(c)gram; 8.2 Tragedy and Epigram; Notes; References; Further Reading; Chapter Nine Epigram and Satire; 9.1 Greek Precedents for Satire: The Definition of the Genre in Horace: Uncertainties and Limits
متن يادداشت
9.2 Martial's Satirical Epigram: Proximity and Borders between Epigram and Satire9.3 Martial in Juvenal; References; Chapter Ten Immanent Genre Theory in Greek and Roman Epigram; 10.1 Epigrammatic Brevity; 10.2 Faking Inscriptions; 10.3 Reading, Interpreting, and Construing an Epigrammatic Tradition; 10.4 Everyday Life and the Art of Mocking; 10.5 Epigram and the Literary Canon; Notes; References; Chapter Eleven Epigram and Rhetoric; 11.1 Epigrams in Speeches and Cultivated by Orators; 11.2 Rhetoric Virtues of Epigrams; 11.3 Wit and Urbanitas
متن يادداشت
Chapter Three Epigram, Society, and Political Power3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Panegyric and Patriotism; 3.3 Scoptic; 3.4 Context and Convention; 3.5 Coda: Late Antiquity; Notes; References; Further Reading; Chapter Four Hidden Figures: The Women Who Wrote Epigrams; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Erinna; 4.3 Moero; 4.4 Anyte; 4.5 Nossis; 4.6 Survival; 4.7 Conclusion; Notes; References; Chapter Five The Masculine and the Feminine in Epigram; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Femininity in Epigram; 5.3 Masculinity in Epigram; Notes; References; Chapter Six Obscenity in Epigram; 6.1 Obscenity in Ancient Greece and Rome