1. The Whole Numbers1.1 Tips for Success in Mathematics1.2 Place Value, Names for Numbers, and Reading Tables1.3 Adding Whole Numbers and Perimeter1.4 Subtracting Whole Numbers1.5 Rounding and Estimating1.6 Multiplying Whole Numbers and Area1.7 Dividing Whole NumbersIntegrated Review-Operations on Whole Numbers1.8 An Introduction to Problem Solving1.9 Exponents, Square Roots, and Order of operationsGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckHighlightsReviewTest 2. Integers and Introduction to Variables2.1 Introduction to Variables and Algebraic Expressions2.2 Introduction to Integers2.3 Adding Integers2.4 Subtracting IntegersIntegrated Review-Integers2.5 Multiplying and Dividing Integers2.6 Order of OperationsGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckChapter HighlightsChapter ReviewChapter TestCumulative Review 3. Fractions3.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers3.2 Factors and Simplest Form3.3 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions3.4 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions and Least Common DenominatorIntegrated Review-Summary on Fractions and Operations on Fractions3.5 Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions3.6 complex Fractions, Order of Operations, and Mixed Numbers3.7 Operations on Mixed NumbersGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckChapter HighlightsChapter ReviewChapter TestCumulative Review 4. Decimals4.1 Introduction to Decimals4.2 Adding and Subtracting Decimals4.3 Multiplying Decimals and Circumference of a Circle4.4 Dividing DecimalsIntegrated Review-Operations on Decimals4.5 Fractions, Decimals, and Order of Operations4.6 Square Roots and the Pythagorean TheoremGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckChapter ReviewChapter TestCumulative Review 5. Ratio, Proportion, and Measurement5.1 Ratios5.2 Proportions5.3 Proportions and Problem SolvingIntegrated Review-Ratio and Proportion5.4 Length: U.S. and Metric Systems5.5 Weight and Mass: U.S. and Metric Systems5.6 Capacity: U.S. and Metric Systems5.7 Conversions Between the U.S. and Metric SystemsGroup ActivityVocab CheckHighlightsReviewTestCumulative Review 6. Percent6.1 Percents, Decimals, and Fractions6.2 Solving Percent Problems Using Equations6.3 solving Percent Problems Using ProportionsIntegrated Review-Percent and Percent Problems6.4 Applications of Percent6.5 Percent and Problem solving: Sales tax, Commission, and Discount6.6 Percent and Problem Solving: InterestGroup ActivityVocab CheckHighlightsReviewTestCumulative Review 7. Statistics and Probability7.1 Reading Pictographs, Bar Graphs, Histograms, and Line Graphs7.2 Reading Circle GraphsIntegrated Review-Reading Graphs7.3 Mean, Median, and Mode7.4 Counting and Introduction to ProbabilityGroup ActivityVocab CheckHighlightsReviewTestCumulative Review 8. Introduction to Algebra8.1 Variable Expressions8.2 Solving Equations: The Addition Property8.3 Solving Equations: The Multiplication PropertyIntegrated Review-Expressions and Equations8.4 Solving Equations Using Addition and Multiplication Properties8.5 Equations and Problem SolvingGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckHighlightsReviewTestCumulative Review 9. Geometry9.1 Lines and Angles9.2 Plane Figures and Solids9.3 Perimeter9.4 Area9.5 VolumeIntegrated Review-Geometry Concepts9.6 Congruent and Similar TrianglesGroup ActivityVocabulary CheckHighlightsReviewTest Cumulative Review AppendicesAppendix A: TablesAppendix B: Exponents and PolynomialsAppendix C: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Student ResourcesStudy Skills BuildersBigger Picture-Study Guide OutlinePractice Final ExamAnswers to Selected Exercises
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