Equine eye with lateral paraxial middle to deep stromal malacic corneal ulcer with white blood cell and fungal infiltrates. The remainder of the cornea has diffuse cellular infiltration and edema. The furrow around the ulcer is approximately three-quarters the depth of the stroma. Corneal vascularization has reached the edge of the ulcer but has not invaded the ulcer bed. In addition, there is conjunctival hyperemia; the pupil is partially dilated from atropine therapy. Photomicrograph of keratectomy sample with numerous fungal hyphae in stroma (hematoxylin-eosin stain, 600×). Equine eye with numerous lymphoid follicles in perilimbal region appearing as tiny vesicles. Equine eye with two Thelazia larvae on corneal surface. Equine eye with chronic equine recurrent uveitis. There is conjunctival depigmentation at the temporal aspect of the globe, cataract, posterior synechia, tattered corpora nigra secondary to chronic inflammation, and a phthisical globe. Conjunctival depigmentation is a lesion typically seen with onchocerciasis infection. Equine eye with granulomatous, raised, ulcerated eyelid lesion consistent with habronemiasis. Equine eye with axial ruptured descemetocele with iris prolapse. In addition, there is severe conjunctival hyperemia, corneal vascularization and edema, hypopyon, and fibrin in the anterior chamber. Equine eye with creamy yellow-white, ventral paraxial, corneal stromal abscess secondary to small corneal puncture with plant material that had epithelialized, leaving fluorescein-negative lesion. There is also corneal vascularization, severe conjunctival hyperemia, and epiphora. This abscess was fungal in origin, specifically Fusarium spp. Equine eye with conjunctival pedicle flap that has integrated well into the lesion. The eye has no residual inflammation, and the graft will usually be trimmed 6 weeks postoperatively. Equine eye with large melting ulcer. The entire cornea is edematous, and there is diffuse cellular infiltrate throughout the entire cornea. Equine eye with acute equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). There is severe conjunctival hyperemia, mucopurulent ocular discharge, diffuse corneal edema, and enophthalmos. The intraocular structures are difficult to see because of the corneal edema. Equine eye with ERU. There is conjunctival hyperemia, diffuse corneal edema and vascularization, a miotic pupil, and fibrin in the anterior chamber. Foal's eye with uveitis, secondary to Rhodococcus equi infection. There is epiphora, diffuse conjunctival hyperemia, diffuse corneal edema, and fibrin in the anterior chamber.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )