Introduction; J.F. McDonald. I: Mechanisms and dynamics of transposable element evolution. Comparative genomics and evolutionary dynamics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty elements; I.K. Jordan, J.F. McDonald. Is the evolution of transposable elements modular? E. Lerat, et al. Molecular paleontology of transposable elements from Arabidopsis thaliana; V.V. Kapitonov, J. Jurka. Human L1 retrotransposition: insights and peculiarities learned from a cultured cell retrotransposition assay; J.V. Moran. Structure, functionality, and evolution of the BARE-1 retrotransposon of barley; C.M. Vicient, et al. Retrolycl-1, a member of the Tnt1 retrotransposon super-family in the Lycopersicon peruvianum genome; A.P. Pimentel Costa, et al. Retrotransposon 1731 in Drosophila melanogaster changes retrovirus-like expression strategy in host genome; A. Kalmykova, et al. Regulatory potential of nonautonomous mariner elements and subfamily crosstalk; D. De Aguiar, D.L. Hartl. Phylogenetic evidence for Ty1-copia-like endogenous retroviruses in plant genomes; H.M. Laten. Evidence for genomic regulation of the telomeric activity in Drosophila melanogaster; D. Fortunati, N. Junakovic. How valuable are model organisms for transportable element studies? M.G. Kidwell, M.B. Evgen'ev. Transposable elements and genome evolution: the case of Drosophilia simulans ; C. Biemont, et al. Horizontal transfer of non-LTR retrotransposons in vertebrates; D. Kordis, F. Gubensek. Sure facts, speculations, and open questions about the evolution of transposable element copy number; S.V. Nuzhdin. Transposon dynamics and the breeding system; S.I. Wright, D.J. Schoen. Recentlyintegrated human Alu repeats: finding needles in the haystack; A.M. Roy, et al. Phylogenetic signals from point mutations and polymorphic Alu insertions; D.S. York, et al. II. The impact of transposable elements on host Genome evolution. Transposable elements as the key to a 21st century view of evolution; J.A. Shapiro.Transposable elements as activators of cryptic genes in E. coli; B.G. Hall. Drosophila telomeres: two transposable elements with important roles in chromosomes; M.-L. Pardue, P.G. DeBaryshe. Molecular domestication more than a sporadic episode in evolution? W.J. Miller, et al. Genomes were forged by massive bombardments with retroelements and retrosequences; J. Brosius. Sectorial mutagenesis by transposable elements; J. Jurka, V.V. Kapitonov. Cell-surface area codes: mobile-element related gene switches generate precise and heritable cell-surface displays of address molecules that are used for constructing embryos; W.J. Dreyer, J. Roman-Dreyer. Transposable DNA elements and life history traits. II. Transposition of P DNA elements in somatic cells reduces fitness, mating activity, and locomotion of Drosophilia melanogaster; R.C. Woodruff, et al. Host defenses to parasitic sequences and the evolution of epigenetic control mechanisms; M.A. Matzke, et al. Sex brings transposons and genomes into conflict; T.H. Bestor. Key word index. Author index. Instructions for Authors.