Introduction and Overview: D.J. Slottje, B. Raj: Income Inequality and Poverty Empirics: New Tools and Perspectives.- Income Inequality: S.P. Jenkins: Trends in Real Income in Britain: A Microeconomic Analysis; J.A. Bishop, J.F. Formby, P.D. Thistle: Changing American Earnings Distributions: One-Half Century of Experience; C. Dagum: A New Approach to the Decomposition of the Gini Income Inequality Ratio; D Chotikapanich, R. Valenzuela, D.S. Prasada Rao: Global and Regional Inequality in the Distribution of Income: Estimation with Limited and Incomplete Data; J. Deutsch, J. Silber: Gini's 'Transvariazone' and the Measurement of Distance Between Distributions.- Poverty: B. Raj, D.J. Slottje: The Uncertain Unit Root in the U.S. Poverty Rate; Y. Amiel, F. Cowell: The Measurement of Poverty: An Experimental Questionnaire Investigation.- Welfare: A. Cornwell, J. Creedy: Measuring the Welfare Effects of Tax Changes Using the LES: An Application to a Carbon Tax.