The Relationship Between Antigenic Structure and Immune Specificity --;I. Introduction --;II. Antigens --;III. Discussion --;IV. Concluding Remarks --;References --;Human Histocompatibility Antigens --;I. Introduction --;II. Extraction of Histocompatibility Antigens --;III. Solubilization and Purification of HL-A Antigens --;IV. Biological Evaluation of Soluble HL-A Antigens --;V. Chemical Characterization of HL-A Antigens --;VI. Chemical Nature of HL-A Alloantigens --;VII. Summary --;Acknowledgment --;References --;Bacterial Flagellin as an Antigen and Immunogen --;I. Introduction --;II. Properties of Flagellin from Salmonella Organisms --;III. Degradation and Modification of Flagellin --;IV. In Vivo Immunogenicity of Flagellin and Its Derivatives --;V. In Vivo Localization Patterns of Flagellin and Its Derivatives --;VI. In Vitro Behavior of Flagellin and Its Derivatives --;VII. Antigen as a Regulator of Cell Behavior --;VIII. Discussion and Conclusions --;References --;The Transfer of Immunity with Macrophage RNA --;I. Introduction --;II. The Heightened Immunogenicity of Antigens Associated with Macrophages --;III. RNA-Antigen Complexes --;IV. The Transfer of Cellular Immunity with RNA --;V. Informational RNA --;VI. Conclusions --;Acknowledgment --;References --;Relationship of Events at the Lymphocyte Cell Surface to Gene Expression: Approaches to the Problem --;I. Introduction --;II. General Properties of Continuously Growing Cultured Human Lymphocytes --;III. Control of Synthesis of Membrane-Associated Immunoglobulin --;IV. Molecular Events During the Rest to Proliferation Transition in Lymphocytes --;V. Studies on the "Linkage" Between the Plasma Membrane and Cellular Genes --;VI. Summary and Prospects for the Future --;Acknowledgment --;References --;The Antigen-Binding Sites of Immunoglobulins --;I. Introduction --;II. Size and General Features of the Antibody Combining Site --;III. Structural Studies --;IV. Sequence of the Variable Regions of Heavy and Light Chains --;V. Affinity-Labeling Studies --;VI. Conclusion --;References --?D Immunoglobulin --;I. Introduction --;II. Isolation of?D --;III. Structure of?D --;IV. Biological Properties of?D --;V. Prospects --;Acknowledgment --;References.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
In 1897, Ehrlich suggested that natural preformed receptors from the surface of cells provided immunity to various chemical substances. Many years later, in 1940, Pauling proffered the concept that antibodies comprised a single poly- peptide chain and that each end of the protein could form an antigen-binding site.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )