Collective Resonances in Metallic Clusters; J.-P. Connerade. Recent Advances in Electron-Electron Coincidence Experiments; G. Stefani. Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy Momentum Space Images of Atomic Reactions; R. Doerner, et al. A Brief Report on Density Functional Theory; R.M. Dreizler. Ion-Atom Collisions; J.H. Macek. Superfluidity and Fesbach Resonances in BEC; R. Cote, et al. (e,2e) Processes; C.T. Whelan. Positrons, Positronium and Anti-Hydrogen; H.R.J. Walters. Ionization in Time-Dependent Processes: Proton-Hydrogen Collisions; S.Y. Ovchinnikov. Magnetic Atom Optics; E.A. Hinds. Optics and Interferometry with Atoms and Molecules; J. Schmiedmayer. Negative Ion Resonances in Surface Dynamics: New Results and Applications; L. Siller, R.E. Palmer. Atomic Collisions with Antiparticles; H. Knudsen. Electron Impact Ionization of Helium [(e,2e) & (e,3e)] Investigated with Cold Target Recoil-Ion Momentum Spectroscopy; E. Erturk, et al. Near Threshold Electron Impact Ionization of Neon and Argon; B. Rouvellou, et al. The Role of Compound States in the Continuum Emission from Moderately Ionized Rare-Earth Plasmas; C. Mc Guinness, N. Murphy. (e,3e) Double Ionization: Comparative Results for He, Ne and Ar; A. Lahmam-Bennani, A. Duguet. Double Ionization of Helium by Fast Electron Impact; A. Dorn, et al. Hollow Atoms and Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with Surfaces; G. Giardino. Electron Scattering by Diatomic Molecules Adsorbed on Surfaces; K. Higgins, P.G. Burke. Ionization Ion-Atom Collisions: Recoil-Ion Momentum Spectroscopy and Ejected Electron Spectroscopy; S.F.C. O'Rourke, et al. Time Reversal Violation in the YbF Molecule; B.E. Sauer, et al. Thomas Process and Wave Function Imaging in p-He TransferIonization investigated by COLTRIMS; V. Mergel, et al. Positron and Positronium Collisions; G. Laricchia. Autoionizing 3s3p6np Resonances along the Argon-like Sequence; P. Kampen. Collisionless Modes of a Trapped Bose Gas; M.J. Bijlsma, H.T.C. Stoof. (e,2e) Measurements on Lithium with Spin-Polarized Beams of Electrons and Atoms; M. Streun, G. Baum. Photoabsorption of Positive Ions; G. O'Sullivan. Electron Spectroscopy as a Tool for Environmental Science; N.J. Mason, J.M. Gingell. Atomic Physics on High-Performance (Parallel) Computers; G.J. Allan. The R Matrix-Floquet Theory of Multiphoton Processes; D.H. Glass, et al. Soft X-Ray Narrowband Continuum Emission from Laser Produced Plasmas; P.A. Dunne. On the Use of the (e,2e) Technique as a Surface Probe; D.W. Essex, C.T. Whelan. Electron Pair Emission from Solids and Clean Surfaces upon Electron and Photon Impact; J. Berakdar. Some Remarks on the Scattering of Electrons from a Metallic Surface; D.W. Essex, C.T. Whelan. Triple Differential Cross Sections for the Electron Impact Ionization of Helium, Neon and Argon from 0.1 to 1keV. Theory and Experiment Compared; A.A. Pinkas, et al. Bose-Einstein Condensates in Spatially Periodic Potentials; K. Berg-Sorensen, K. Molmer. An Atom Interferometer as a Thermometer; M.K. Oberthaler, et al. Characteristics of Low Energy (e,2e) Processes; J. Rasch, C.T. Whelan. New Results for Double Excitation Processes with Helium Targets; P.J. Marchalant, et al. Anisotropic Expansion of Finite Temperature Bose Gases-Emergence of Interaction Effects between Condensed and Non-Condensed Atoms; C. Liu, et al. Index.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Atoms -- Congresses.
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Physics -- Congresses.
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