I --;Introduction to Computer Graphics Based on GKS --;1 What is Computer Graphics? --;2 Intention and Contents of Part I --;3 The Computer Graphics User --;4 Interfaces of the Graphical Kernel System --;5 Principles and Goals of the Graphical Kernel System --;6 Main Concepts of the Graphical Kernel System --;7 Creating Graphical Output --;8 Coordinate Systems and Transformations --;9 The Graphical Workstation --;10 Input --;11 Segments --;12 The GKS Metafile --;13 States and State Lists --;14 Error Handling --;II --;The Process of Generating a Standard --;1 The Evolution of Computer Graphics --;2 Committees, People and Events --;3 GKS Review --;Issues and Their Solution --;III --;Graphics Kernel System Programming --;1 Format and Structure of Part III --;2 Levels --;3 States and State Lists --;4 Workstations --;5 Transformations --;6 Output Primitives --;7 Segments --;8 Input --;9 Error Handling --;10 Inquiry Functions --;11 Metafile Interface --;IV --;The GKS Environment --;1 Mapping of Output Primitives and Attributes on Physical Workstations --;2 The Mapping of Logical to Physical Input Devices --;3 Implementation Aspects --;4 Language Interfaces and Their Implementation --;5 Interfaces to Graphics Devices --;6 Metafiles --;7 Certification/Validation of GKS --;8 Terminology --;9 3D Extensions to GKS --;Appendix 1 --;GKS Metafile Format --;1.1 Status of the Metafile Definition --;1.2 File Format and Data Format --;1.3 Generation and Interpretation of Metafile --;1.4 Control Items --;1.5 Items for Output Primitives --;1.6 Items for Output Primitive Attributes --;1.7 Items for Workstation Attributes --;1.8 Item for Clipping Rectangle --;1.9 Items for Workstation Transformation --;1.10 Items for Segment Manipulation --;1.11 Items for Segment Attributes --;1.12 User Items --;Appendix 2 --;Vocabulary --;References.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Computer graphics.
موضوع مستند نشده
Computer science.
موضوع مستند نشده
Software engineering.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )