Cover --;Preface --;Contents --;Contributors --;Evolution of the Neuropeptide Y Family of Peptides --;1. Introduction --;2. History of Discovery --;3. Phylogenetic Studies with Antisera --;4. Sequence and Structure Analyses --;5. Evolution of the NPY Family --;6. Summary --;Structure and Expression of the Neuropeptide Y Gene --;1. Introduction --;2. cDNA Structure --;3. NPY Gene --;4. Chromosomal Localization of the Genes --;5. Regulation of Gene Expression --;6. Conclusions --;Organization of Neuropeptide Y Neurons in the Mammalian Central Nervous System --;1. Introduction --;2. Telencephalon --;3. Diencephalon --;4. Brainstem and Spinal Cord --;5. Concluding Remarks --;PP, PYY, and NPY : Occurrence and Distribution in the Periphery --;1. Introduction --;2. Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) --;3. Peptide YY (PYY) --;4. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) --;5. Concluding Remarks --;Characterization of Receptor Types for Neuroptide Y and Related Peptides --;1. Introduction --;2. NPY/PYY Receptor Heterogeneity --;3. Second-Messenger Systems --;4. Y1 Receptors --;5. Y2 Receptors --;6. NPY-Selective Y3 Receptors --;7. NPY /PYY Receptors on Mast Cells? --;8. PP Receptors --;9. Cloning of Receptors --;Actions of Neuropeptide Y on the Electrophysiological Properties of Nerve Cells --;1. Introduction --;2. The Peripheral Nervous System --;3. The Central Nervous System --;4. Conclusions --;The Role of NPY and Related Peptides in the Control of Gastrointestinal Function --;1. Introduction --;2. Localization of Pancreatic Polypeptides Within the Rat Gastrointestinal Tract --;3. Localization of Receptor Binding Sites for the Pancreatic Polypeptides --;4. Functional Significance of NPY and PYY on Epithelial Ion and Fluid Transport --;5. Effects of Pancreatic Polypeptides --;6. Concluding Remarks on the Functional Role --;Origin and Actions of Neuropeptide Y in the Cardiovascular System --;1. Introduction --;2. Origin of NPY in the Cardiovascular System --;3. Actions of NPY m the Cardiovascular System --;Central Cardiovascular Actions of Neuropeptide Y --;1. Introduction --;2. NPY Physlologlcal Significance --;3. NPY and Hypertension: Cause or Effect? --;4. Summary --;Neuropeptide Y Actions on Reproductive and Endocrine Functions --;1. Introduction --;2. Distribution of NPY --;3. Function of NPY in the Reproductive System --;4. Interactions Between NPY --;5. Modulation of Vasopressm Secretion by NPY --;6. Action of NPY in the Regulation of Growth-Hormone Secretion --;7. Regulation of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Thyroid System by NPY --;8. Summary --;9. Directions for Future Research --;Neuropeptide Y in Multiple Hypothalamic Sites Controls Eating Behavior, Endocrine, and Autonomic Systems for Body Energy Bala --;1. Introduction --;2. The First Studies --;3. Sites of Action --;4. Receptor Subtypes --;5. Electrophysiological Responses --;6. Second Messengers --;7. Behavioral Specificity and Eating Patterns --;8. NPY in Relation to Carbohydrate Ingestion --;9. Endocrine and Autonomic Effects --;10. Clinical Implications --;11. Summ.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Leading experts critically summarize the state of knowledge concerning the molecular, anatomical, physiological, and behavioral aspects of NPY and its congeners. Each article provides a comprehensive and in-depth survey, an overview of the role of NPY in the discipline covered, a discussion of the likely future direction that the field will take, and an up-to-date bibliography. Chapters include a treatment of the evolution of the PP family of genes, the structure of the NPY gene, and the distribution of NPY on the cardiovascular system, actions of NPY on the electrophysiological properties of nerve cells, and the effects of NPY on feeding and behavior. The chapters are written in an accessible style and serve both as an introduction to the field and as an extensive and detailed treatment of the current state of knowledge.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Neuropeptide Y.
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
edited by William F. Colmers and Claes Wahlestedt.