PART I: ENGAGING THE DOUBLE BINDS 'Double Binds: Ethics after Auschwitz'; J.K.Roth 'Morality after Auschwitz?: Haas, Nietzsche, and the Possibilities for Revaluation'; B.Benedix 'Cutting the Roots of the Holocaust: Resisting the Enlightenment's Universalizing Impulse'; H.Kassim 'The Tikkun of Philosophy and the Idea of Humanity'; E.Galbraith PART II: SURVEYING THE FRAGMENTS 'Survival of the Closest: Gender and Agency in Holocaust Resistance'; T.K.Parker & M.Goldenberg 'The Role of Moral Examples in Teaching Ethics after the Holocaust: Reconsidering the Rescue of the Danish Jews'; H.Trautner-Kromann 'Dignity and Despair: The Double Bind of Jean Amery's Odyssey'; M.Stern PART III: SALVAGING THE ETHICAL 'Banal Evil and Useless Knowledge: Hannah Arendt and Charlotte Delbo on Evil after the Holocaust'; J.L.Geddes 'Making Ethical Sense of Useless Suffering with Levinas'; J.Simon 'Reconstituting Political Philosophy After the Holocaust: Towards the Prevention of Genocide'; M.Gerber