یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Introduction -- Part I : Experimental philosophy : past, present, and future. Experimental philosophy and the philosophical tradition / Stephen Stich and Kevin P. Tobia -- Philosophical criticisms of experimental philosophy / Timothy Williamson -- Experimental philosophy is cognitive science / Joshua Knobe -- Armchair-friendly experimental philosophy / Kaija Moretnsen and Jennifer Nagel -- Going positive by going negative : on keeping X-Phi relevant and dangerous / Jonathan M. Weinberg -- Early modern experimental philosophy / Peter R. Anstey and Alberto Vanzo -- Nietzsche and moral psychology / Daniel Telech and Brian Leiter -- Part II : Areas of research. A. Free will and philosophy of action. The folk concept of intentional action : empirical approaches / Florian Cova -- Traditional and experimental approaches to free will and moral responsibility / Gunnar Björnsson and Derk Pereboom -- Free will and experimental philosophy / Hoi-Yee Chan, Max Deutsch, and Shaun Nichols -- B. Moral and political philosophy. Solving the trolley problem / Joshua D. Greene -- The adaptive logic of moral luck / Justin W. Martin and Fiery Cushman -- Metaethics : traditional and empirical approaches / Alexandra Plakias -- Aspects of folk morality : objectivism and relativism / Hagop Sarkissian -- The behavior of ethicists / Eric Schwitzgebel and Joshua Rust -- Experimental or empirical political philosophy / Nicole Hassoun -- Ownership rights / Shaylene E. Nancekivell [and 3 others] -- C. Philosophy of mind. Attributions of consciousness / Justin Sytsma -- A unified versus componential view of understanding minds / Lily Tsoi -- The group mind : in commonsense psychology / Bryce Huebner -- Synesthesia as a challenge for representationalism / Berit Brogaard -- Naturalistic approaches to creativity / Dustin Stokes and Elliot Samuel Paul -- D. Epistemology. Knowledge judgments in "gettier" cases / John Turri -- Experiments on contextualism and interest relative invariantism / Angel Pinillos -- Evaluative effects on knowledge atttributions / James R. Beebe -- E. Philosophy of language. Reference / Mike Dacey and Ron Mallon -- Experimental pragmatics in linguistics and philosophy / Mark Phelan -- Generics and experimental philosophy / Adam Lerner and Sarah-Jane Leslie -- E. Metaphysics. Experience, metaphysics, and cognitive science / L.A. Paul -- Experimental philosophy and causal attribution / Jonathan Livengood and David Rose -- Causal models and screening-off / Juhwa Park and Steven A. Sloman -- Causal search, causal modeling, and the folk / David Danks -- G. Philosophy of science. Experimental philosophy of science / Edouard Machery -- Explanation / Tania Lombrozo -- The concept of innateness as an object of empirical enquiry / Richard Samuels -- H. Logic and reasoning. Experimental philosophical logic / David Ripley -- Experimental philosophy meets formal epistemology / Jonah N. Schupbach -- Experimental approaches to the study of conditionals / Igor Douven -- I. Metaphilosophy and individual differences. Philosophical expertise / Joshua Alexander -- Intuitional stability / Jennifer Cole Wright -- Personality and philosophical bias / Adam Feltz and Edward T. Cokely -- Experimental philosophy and the underrepresentation of women / Carrie Figdor and Matt L. Drabek