Introduction: The Art of Finding a Job -- Some Advice About Your Job Hunt -- Planning Your Job Hunt and Assembling the Right Tools -- Using Your Resume and Cover Letter -- Preparing for Interviews -- Handling the Interview and Negotiating Salary -- Researching Companies and Locating Employers -- Cover Letters for Computer Jobs -- The Anatomy of a Cover Letter -- Sample Cover Letters for Job Hunting -- Changing careers from teaching -- Changing careers from the aviation industry -- Changing careers from military service -- Changing careers with a cover letter that emphasizes hardware knowledge -- Changing careers from the government sector -- Launching a career in the computer industry -- Changing careers from a slow-growth industry to a high-tech environment -- Changing careers into the computer sales field -- Changing careers with the goal of becoming more involved in fiber optics -- Changing careers from federal service to the private sector -- Sixteen Questions Career Changers Ask About Cover Letters -- What is the "direct approach?" -- How do I address a letter to an ad that provides names and addresses? -- What's the best way to answer a "blind ad?" -- How do I respond to a recruiter or headhunter who has approached me? -- How do I apply for internal openings? -- How do I ask for consideration for multiple job openings? -- How do I e-mail or fax my resume and cover letter? -- If I want to "drop a name" in a cover letter, what's the best way? -- If I'm relocating soon, how do I say that? -- If I've recently relocated, what do I say in the cover letter? -- What if I want to reopen a door that I closed previously? -- What if they ask for salary requirements? -- What if they ask for salary history? -- How do I make it clear that I want my approach to be confidential? -- How do I write a follow-up letter after an interview? -- How do I resign--gracefully? -- Another Letter of Leave Taking -- Real-Resumes for Computer Jobs -- Automated Systems Team Chief (Robert Hederman) -- Chief of Communication Systems Construction (Arthur Tipton) -- Cisco Certified Network Associate (Jeanne Wu) -- Communications Advisor (Cassandra Wills) -- Communications Supervisor (Henry Sprague) -- Computer Center Supervisor (David Ensor) -- Computer Center Supervisor (Marty Fish) -- Computer Products Sales (Edward Grimes III) -- Computer Programmer (Mason Jenkins) -- Computer Programmer (Timothy Mays) -- Computer Information Systems Products (Casey Holtz) -- Computer Operator (Susan West) -- Computer Programming Student (Charles Harding) -- Computer Sales Representative (John Jarcho) -- Computer Sales Specialist (Samantha Love) -- Computer Science Graduate (Adam Henke) -- Computer Science Student (David Curtins) -- Computer Science Student (Kyle Sweeney) -- Computer Science Student (Stephen Klink) -- Computer Specialist (Kyle Myslinsky) -- Computer Specialist (Wayne Luke) -- Computer Technician (Rachel Clinton) -- Electrical Engineeer (Willie Horton) -- Electronics Engineering Student (Richard White) -- Electronics Maintenance Supervisor (Charles Stout) -- Electronics Management Graduate (William Duff) -- Electronics Repair Technician (Mark Goodman) -- Electronics Technology Student (Pete Dawkins) -- Fiber Optics Instructor (Steven Hutt) -- Forced Entry Switch Section Supervisor (Doug Kenna) -- Hardware Repair Specialist (Michael Irvin) -- Microsoft Certified Professional (John Tessler) -- Microsoft Certified Professional (Kenny Stevens) -- Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Anthony Hopkins) -- MIS Vice President (Robert Schniepp) -- Mobile Subscriber Equipment Team Chief (Dawn Hollander) -- Multichannel Transmission Systems Supervisor (Grace Mayweather) -- Multimode System Operator (Johnathon Little) -- Network Analyst (Charles Folkart) -- Network Engineer (John Lasak) -- Network Engineering Student (Daniel Lewis) -- Network Manager (Lucia Villar) -- Network Manager (Edward Marow) -- Network Surveillance Engineer (Kaye Green) -- Network Switching Chief (Denise Ching) -- Network Switching Manager (Sean Keller) -- Network Switching Systems Supervisor (Mike Novogratz) -- Network Switching Systems Supervisor (Robert Porter) -- Programmer and Analyst (Evan Dreyer) -- Senior Systems Analyst (Robert Larson) -- Signal Communications Analyst (Adam Howard) -- Systems Administrator (Benjamin Long) -- Systems Analyst (Philip Dees) -- Systems Analyst (Jon Du Pre) -- Telecommunications Maintenance Technician (Elmer Oliphant) -- Telecommunications Operator (Robin Olds) -- Telecommunications Supervisor (Betty Merritt) -- Telecommunications Supervisor (Syd Moran) -- Telecommunications Support Systems Supervisor (Josiah Dubber) -- Telecommunications Team Supervisor (Frederick Lark) -- Test Plans Analyst (Spartan Agnew) -- Website Designer/Systems Technician (Jason Fincher)