compiled by the editors of the Columbia Law Review, the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Law Journal
وضعیت ویراست
وضعيت ويراست
19th ed
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
Cambridge, Mass. :
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
Published and distributed by the Harvard Law Review Association,
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
xvii, 511 p. ;
22 cm
يادداشت کلی
متن يادداشت
Includes index
متن يادداشت
Spiral bound
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Preface -- Introduction -- Structure of the bluebook -- General principles of citation -- Getting started -- Bluepages: An Introduction To Basic Legal Citation -- Introduction -- B1: Typeface conventions -- B2: Citation sentences and clauses -- B3: Introductory signals -- B4: Sources and authorities: Cases -- B5: Sources and authorities: Statutes, rules, and regulations -- B6: Sources and authorities: Constitutions -- B7: Sources and authorities: Court and litigation documents -- B8: Sources and authorities: Books and other non periodic materials -- B9: Sources and authorities: Journal, magazine, and newspaper articles -- B10: Sources and authorities: Internet -- B11: Explanatory Parentheticals -- B12: Quotations -- Bluepages Tables -- BT1: Court Documents -- BT2: Jurisdiction-specific citation rules and style guides -- BT2-1: Federal courts -- BT2-2: State courts -- BT2-3: Territories -- Rules -- Rule 1: Structure And Use Of Citations -- 1-1: Citation sentences and clauses in law reviews -- 1-2: Introductory signals -- 1-3: Order of signals -- 1-4: Order of authorities within each signal -- 1-5: Parenthetical information -- 1-6: Related authority -- Rule 2: Typefaces For Law Reviews -- 2-1: Typeface conventions for citations -- 2-2: Typeface conventions for textual material -- Rule 3: Subdivisions -- 3-1: Volumes, parts, and supplements -- 3-2: Pages, footnotes, endnotes, and graphical materials -- 3-3: Sections and paragraphs -- 3-4: Appended material -- 3-5: Internal cross-references -- Rule 4: Short Citation Forms -- 4-1: ID -- 4-2: Supra and hereinafter -- Rule 5: Quotations -- 5-1: Formatting of quotations -- 5-2: Alterations and quotations within quotations -- 5-3: Omissions -- Rule 6: Abbreviations, Numerals, And Symbols -- 6-1: Abbreviations -- 6-2: Numerals and symbols -- Rule 7: Italicization For Style And In Unique Circumstances -- Rule 8: Capitalization -- Rule 9: Titles Of Judges, Officials, And Terms Of Court -- Rule 10: Cases -- 10-1: Basic citation forms -- 10-2: Case names -- 10-2-1: General rules for case names -- 10-2-2: Additional rules for case names in citations -- 10-3: Reporters and other sources -- 10-3-1: Parallel citations and which source(s) to cite -- 10-3-2: Reporters -- 10-3-3: Public domain format -- 10-4: Court and jurisdiction -- 10-5: Date of year -- 10-6: Parenthetical information regarding cases -- 10-6-1: Weight of authority -- 10-6-2: Quoting/citing parenteticals in case citations -- 10-6-3: Order of parentheticals -- 10-7: Prior and subsequent history -- 10-7-1: Explanatory phrases and weight of authority -- 10-7-2: Different case name on appeal -- 10-8: Special citation forms -- 10-8-1: Pending and unreported cases -- 10-8-2: Fifth circuit split -- 10-8-3: Briefs, court filings, and transcripts -- 10-8-4: Court administrative orders -- 10-9: Short forms for cases -- Rule 11: Constitutions -- Rule 12: Statutes -- 12-1: Basic citation forms -- 12-2: Choosing the proper citation form -- 12-2-1: General rule -- 12-2-2: Exceptions -- 12-3: Current official and unofficial codes -- 12-3-1: Additional information -- 12-3-2: Year of code -- 12-4: Session laws -- 12-5: Electronic media and online sources -- 12-6: Other secondary sources -- 12-7: Invalidation, repeal, amendment, and prior history -- 12-7-1: Invalidation -- 12-7-2: Repeal -- 12-7-3: Amendment -- 12-7-4: Prior history -- 12-8: Explanatory parenthetical phrases -- 12-9: Special citation forms -- 12-9-1: Internal revenue code -- 12-9-2: Ordinances -- 12-9-3: Rules of evidence and procedure -- 12-9-4: Uniform acts -- 12-9-5: Model codes, restatements, standards, and sentencing guidelines -- 12-9-6: ABA code of professional responsibility and opinions on ethics -- 12-10: Short forms for statutes -- Rule 13: Legislative Materials -- 13-1: Basic citation forms -- 13-2: Bills and resolutions -- 13-3: Hearings -- 13-4: Reports, documents, and committee prints -- 13-5: Debates -- 13-6: Separately bound legislative histories -- 13-7: Electronic media and online sources -- 13-8: Short forms for legislative materials -- Rule 14: Administrative And Executive Materials -- 14-1: Basic citation forms -- 14-2: Rules, regulations, and other publications -- 14-3: Administrative adjudications, and arbitrations -- 14-3-1: Names -- 14-3-2: Which source(s) to cite -- 14-3-3: Issuing agency -- 14-4: Short forms for regulations --
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Rule 15: Books, Reports, And Other Non periodic materials -- 15-1: Author -- 15-2: Editor or translator -- 15-3: Title -- 15-4: Edition, publisher, and date -- 15-5: Shorter works in collection -- 15-5-1: Works in collection generally -- 15-5-2: Collected documents -- 15-6: Prefaces, forewords, introductions, and epilogues -- 15-7: Serial number -- 15-8: Special citation forms -- 15-9: Electronic media and online sources -- 15-10: Short citation forms -- 15-10-1: Short forms for works in collection -- Rule 16: Periodical Materials -- 16-1: Basic citation forms -- 16-2: Author -- 16-3: Title -- 16-4: Consecutively paginated journals -- 16-5: Non consecutively paginated journals an magazines -- 16-6: Newspapers -- 16-7: Special citation forms -- 16-7-1: Student-written law review materials -- 16-7-2: Non-student-written book reviews -- 16-7-3: Symposia, colloquia, and surveys -- 16-7-4: Commentaries and other special designations -- 16-7-5: Multi part articles -- 16-7-6: Annotations -- 16-7-7: Proceedings, regular publications by institutes, and ABA section reports -- 16-7-8: Newsletters and other non commercially distributed periodicals -- 16-8: Electronic media and online sources -- 16-9: Short citation forms -- Rule 17: Unpublished And Forthcoming Sources -- 17-1: Basic citation forms -- 17-2: Unpublished materials -- 17-2-1: Manuscripts -- 17-2-2: Dissertations and theses -- 17-2-3: Letters, memoranda, and press releases -- 17-2-4: E-mail correspondence and listserv postings -- 17-2-5: Interviews -- 17-2-5: Speeches and addresses -- 17-3: Forthcoming publications -- 17-4: Working papers -- 17-5: Electronic media and online sources -- 17-6: short citation forms -- Rule 18: Internet, Electronic Media, And Other Nonprint resources -- 18-1: Basic citation forms -- 18-2: Internet -- 18-2-1: General internet citation principles -- 18-2-2: Direct citations to internet sources -- 18-2-3: Parallel citations to internet sources -- 18-3: Commercial electronic databases -- 18-3-1: Cases -- 18-3-2: Constitutions and statutes -- 18-3-3: Legislative, administrative, and executive materials -- 18-3-4: Books, periodicals, and other secondary materials -- 18-4: CD-ROM and other electronic storage media -- 18-5: Microform -- 18-5-1: Microform collections reproducing preexisting materials -- 18-5-2: Microform collections containing original materials -- 18-6: Films, broadcasts, and noncommercial video materials -- 18-7: Audio recordings -- 18-7-1: Commercial recordings -- 18-7-2:Noncommercial recordings -- 18-7-3: Pod casts and recordings available online -- 18-8: Short citation forms -- Rule 19: Services -- 19-1: Citation form for services -- 19-2: Short citation forms -- Rule 20: Foreign Materials -- 20-1: Jurisdiction -- 20-2: Non-English-language documents -- 20-2-1: Documents appearing in more than one language -- 20-2-2: Titles and names of documents in languages other than English -- 20-2-3: Abbreviations in languages other than English -- 20-2-4: Languages that do not use the Roman alphabet -- 20-2-5: Citations to translations of non-English-language documents -- 20-3: Cases -- 20-3-1: Common law cases -- 20-3-2: Civil law and other non-common-law cases -- 20-4: Constitutions -- 20-5: Statutes -- 20-5-1: Statutes in common law systems -- 20-5-2: Statutes in civil law and other non-common-law jurisdictions -- 20-6: Non-English-language and foreign periodicals -- 20-7: Short citation forms -- Rule 21: International Materials -- 21-1: Basic citation forms -- 21-2: Non-English-language documents -- 21-3: Jurisdiction not evident from context -- 21-4: Treaties and other international agreements -- 21-4-1: Name of the agreement -- 21-4-2: Parties to the agreement -- 21-4-3: Subdivisions -- 21-4-4: Date of signing -- 21-4-5: Treaty sources -- 21-5: International law cases -- 21-5-1: International court of justice and the permanent court of international justice (the world court) -- 21-5-2: European union courts -- 21-5-3: European court of human rights -- 21-5-4: Inter-American commission on human rights -- 21-5-5: Inter-American court of human rights -- 21-5-6: International tribunal for the law of the sea -- 21-5-7: International criminal tribunals -- 21-5-8: Other multinational courts -- 21-5-9: International cases in national courts -- 21-6: International arbitrations and claims commissions -- 21-7: United Nations sources -- 21-7-1: Verbatim and summary records -- 21-7-2: Resolutions and decisions -- 21-7-3: UN reports -- 21-7-4: Masthead documents -- 21-7-5: UN press releases and memoranda -- 21-7-6: Adjudicatory bodies established by the United Nations -- 21-7-7: Sales publications -- 21-7-8: Yearbooks and periodicals -- 21-7-9: Regional organizations documents -- 21-7-10: UN charter -- 21-7-11: UN internet materials -- 21-8: League of nations -- 21-9: European union and European community -- 21-10: Council of Europe -- 21-11: World trade organization -- 21-12: Other intergovernmental organizations -- 21-13: International committee of the Red Cross and international non-governmental organizations -- 21-14: Yearbooks -- 21-15: Digests --21-16: Short citation forms --
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Tables -- Table T1: United States Jurisdictions -- T1-1: Federal judicial and legislative materials -- T1-2: Federal administrative and executive materials -- T1-3: States and the District of Columbia -- Alabama (AL) -- Alaska (AK) -- Arizona (AZ) -- Arkansas (AR) -- California (CA) -- Colorado (CO) -- Connecticut (CT) -- Delaware (DE) -- District of Columbia (DC) -- Florida (FL) -- Georgia (GA) -- Hawaii (HI) -- Idaho (ID) -- Illinois (IL) -- Indiana (IN) -- Iowa (IA) -- Kansas (KS) -- Kentucky (KY) -- Louisiana (LA) -- Maine (ME) -- Maryland (MD) -- Massachusetts (MA) -- Michigan (MI) -- Minnesota (MN) -- Mississippi (MS) -- Missouri (MO) -- Montana (MT) -- Nebraska (NE) -- Nevada (NV) -- New Hampshire (NH) -- New Jersey (NJ) -- New Mexico (NM) -- New York (NY) -- North Caronlin (NC) -- North Dakota (ND) -- Ohio (OH) -- Oklahoma (OK) -- Oregon (OR) -- Pennsylvania (PA) -- Rhode Island (RI) -- South Carolina (SC) -- South Dakota (SD) -- Tennessee (TN) -- Texas (TX) -- Utah (UT) -- Vermont (VT) -- Virginia (VA) -- Washington (WA) -- West Virginia (WV) -- Wisconsin (WI) -- Wyoming (WY) -- T1-4: Other United States jurisdictions -- American Samoa -- Canal Zone (CZ) -- Guam (GU) -- Navajo nation -- Northern Mariana Islands -- Oklahoma Native Americans -- Puerto Rico (PR) -- Virgin Islands (VI) -- Table T2: Foreign Jurisdictions -- T2-1: Argentine Republic - T2-2: Australia -- T2-2-1: Australian states and territories -- T2-3: Austria, Republic of -- T2-3-1: Austrian lander -- T2-4: Belgium, kingdom, of -- T2-5: Brazil, Federative Republic of -- T2-6: Canada -- T2-7: Catholic church -- T2-8: Chile, Republic of -- T2-9: China, People's Republic of -- T2-10: Colombia, Republic of -- T2-11: Czech Republic -- T2-12: Egypt, Arab Republic of -- T2-13: France, Republic of -- T2-14: Germany, Federal Republic of -- T2-14-1: German lander -- T2-15: Greece -- T2-16: Hong Kong -- T2-17: Hungary, Republic of -- T2-18: India -- T2-19: Iran, Islamic Republic of -- T2-20: Iraq, Republic of -- T2-21: Ireland (Eire), Republic of -- T2-22: Israel -- T2-23: Italy, Republic of -- T2-24: Japan -- T2-25: Kenya -- T2-26: Lebanon, Republic of -- T2-27: Mexico -- T2-28: Netherlands, Kingdom of the -- T2-29: New Zealand -- T2-30: Nicaragua -- T2-31: Nigeria -- T2-32: Pakistan, Islamic Republic of -- T2-33: Philippines -- T2-34: Roman law -- T2-35: Russian federation -- T2-36: South Africa -- T2-37: South Korea -- T2-38: Spain -- T2-39: Sweden -- T2-40: Switzerland -- T2-40-1: Swiss Cantons -- T2-41: Taiwan, Republic of China -- T2-42: United Kingdom -- T2-42-1: England and Wales -- T2-42-2: Northern Ireland (and Ireland until 1924) -- T2-42-3: Scotland -- T2-43: Zambia, Republic of -- Table T3: Intergovernmental Organizations -- T3-1: United Nations --T3-2: League of nations -- T3-3: European communities -- T3-4: European court and commission of human rights -- T3-5: Inter-American commission on human rights -- T3-6: Inter-American court of human rights -- T3-7: International tribunal for the law of the sea -- Table T4: Treaty Sources -- T4-1: Official US sources -- T4-2: Intergovernmental treaty sources -- T4-3: Unofficial treaty sources -- Table T5: Arbitral Reporters -- Table T6: Case names and institutional authors in citations -- Table T7: Court names -- Table T8: Explanatory Phrases -- Table T9: Legislative Documents -- TableT10: Geographical Terms -- T10-1: US states, cities, and territories -- T10-2: Australian states and Canadian provinces and territories -- T10-3: Foreign countries and regions -- Table T11: Judges And Officials -- Table T12: Months -- Table T13: Periodicals -- Table T14: Publishing Terms -- Table T15: Services -- Table T16: Subdivisions -- Index -- Index
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
From the Book's Preface: The current edition of The Bluebook retains the same basic approach to legal citation established by its predecessors. The layout of the Bluebook has been updated to make the information easier to access. Some citation forms have been expanded, elaborated upon, or modified from previous editions to reflect the ever-expanding range of authorities used in legal writing and to respond to suggestions from the legal community