یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Contents note continued: 101.Translational Research for Optic Nerve Disorders: Overview / Neil R. Miller -- 102.Transcriptional Regulation of Photoreceptor Development / Donald J. Zack -- 103.Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Template for Studying Retinal Vascular Disease / Mary Elizabeth Hartnett -- 104.Human Choriocapillaris Development / Gerard A. Lutty -- 105.Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration / Rithwick Rajagopal -- 106.Bruch's Membrane in Outer Retinal Health and Disease / Christine A. Curcio -- 107.Macular Pigment: Characteristics and Role in the Older Eye / Ian J. Murray -- 108.Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Non-Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration / Jayakrishna Ambati -- 109.Gene Therapy for Retinal Degeneration / Curtis R. Brandt -- 110.Retinal Cell Replacement / Robert E. Maclaren -- 111.Stem Cell Therapies for Visual Disorders / Martin Friedlander -- 112.Retinal Prostheses / Devyani Nanduri
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Contents note continued: 11.Synaptic Mechanisms of Color and Luminance Coding: Rediscovering the X-Y-Cell Dichotomy in Primate Retinal Ganglion Cells / Dennis M. Dacey -- 12.Correlated Activity in the Retina / E. J. Chichilnisky -- 13.The Retina Dissects the Visual Scene into Distinct Features / Markus Meister -- 14.Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells / David M. Berson -- 15.Postreceptoral Mechanisms for Adaptation in the Retina / Jonathan B. Demb -- II.ORGANIZATION OF VISUAL PATHWAYS -- 16.The M, P, and K Pathways of the Primate Visual System Revisited / Ehud Kaplan -- 17.Ventral and Dorsal Cortical Processing Streams / Leslie G. Ungerleider -- 18.Network of Mouse Visual Cortex / Quanxin Wang -- III.SUBCORTICAL PROCESSING -- 19.The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Pulvinar / R. W. Guillery -- 20.Light Responsiveness and Photic Entrainment of the Mammalian Circadian Clock / Joseph S. Takahashi -- 21.Inhibitory Circuits in the Visual Thalamus / Friedrich T. Sommer --
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Contents note continued: 22.Functional Properties of Cortical Feedback to the Primate Lateral Geniculate Nucleus / W. Martin Usrey -- 23.Superior Colliculus and Visual Attention / Richard J. Krauzlis -- 24.Attentional Activation in Corticothalamic Loops of the Visual System / Andrzej Wrobel -- IV.PROCESSING IN PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX -- 25.Cell Types and Local Circuits in Primary Visual Cortex of the Macaque Monkey / Edward M. Callaway -- 26.The Cortical Assembly of Visual Receptive Fields / Nicholas J. Priebe -- 27.The Cortical Organization of Binocular Vision / Ralph D. Freeman -- 28.Cortical Pathways for Binocular Depth / Andrew J. Parker -- 29.Functional Organization of Circuits in Rodent Primary Visual Cortex / Mark L. Andermann -- 30.Beyond the Classical Receptive Field: Surround Modulation in Primary Visual Cortex / S. Shushruth -- 31.Peripheral Guidance of Cortical Organization / Dario L. Ringach -- 32.Brain State and Geniculocortical Communication / Jose Manuel Alonso --
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Contents note continued: 46.The Perceptual Organization of Depth, Lightness, Color, and Opacity / Barton L. Anderson -- 47.Image-Parsing Mechanisms of the Visual Cortex / Rudiger Von Der Heydt -- VII.OBJECTS AND SCENES -- 48.Visual Crowding / Dennis M. Levi -- 49.From Textures to Crowds: Multiple Levels of Summary Statistical Perception / Timothy D. Sweeny -- 50.Face Perception / Andrew J. Calder -- 51.Scene Perception / Aude Oliva -- 52.The Functional Organization of the Ventral Visual Pathway in Humans / Daniel D. Dilks -- VIII.TIME, MOTION, AND DEPTH -- 53.Visual Time Perception / Alan Johnston -- 54.Motion Perception: Human Psychophysics / David Burr -- 55.Functional Mapping of Motion Regions in Human and Nonhuman Primates / Jan Jastorff -- 56.The Cortical Analysis of Optic Flow: Mechanism, Function, and Dysfunction / Charles J. Duffy -- 57.Stereopsis / Clifton M. Schor -- 58.Binocular Rivalry Updated / Randolph Blake -- IX.EYE MOVEMENTS --
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Contents note continued: 59.Natural Eye Movements and Vision / Susana Martinez-Conde -- 60.Neural Mechanisms of Fixations and Saccades: The Eye Plant and Low-Level Control / Christian Quaia -- 61.Neural Mechanisms of Eye Movements: Three-Dimensional Control and Perceptual Consequences / J. Douglas Crawford -- 62.Neural Mechanisms for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements / Seiji Ono -- 63.Selection of Targets for Saccadic Eye Movements: An Update / Jeffrey D. Schall -- 64.Neural Mechanisms of Target Selection in the Superior Colliculus / Neeraj J. Gandhi -- 65.The Dialogue between Cerebral Cortex and Superior Colliculus: Multiple Ascending Pathways for Corollary Discharge / Robert H. Wurtz -- 66.Interaction between Eye Movements and Vision: Perception during Saccades / M. Concetta Morrone -- 67.Plasticity of Eye Movement Control / Angel M. Pastor -- 68.The Neurology of Eye Movements: From Control Systems to Genetics to Ion Channels to Targeted Pharmacotherapy / Aasef G. Shaikh --
متن يادداشت
Contents note continued: 79.Invertebrate Vision: Optics and Behavior / Michael F. Land -- 80.Visual Navigation Strategies in Insects: Lessons from Desert Ants / Holk Cruse -- 81.Vision and Body Coloration in Marine Invertebrates / Karen L. Cheney -- 82.The Cognitive Structure of Visual Navigation in Honeybees / Randolf Menzel -- 83.Neurobiology of Movement-Sensitive Behavior in Flies / Alexander Borst -- 84.Polarization Vision in Arthropods / Basil El Jundi -- 85.Vision and Navigation in Insects, and Applications to Aircraft Guidance / Michael Knight -- XII.THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES -- 86.The Evolution of the Visual System in Primates / Jon H. Kaas -- 87.What Natural Scene Statistics Can Tell Us about Cortical Representation / Michael S. Lewicki -- 88.Vision: Bayesian Inference and Beyond / Alan Yuille -- 89.Neural Oscillations and Synchrony as Mechanisms for Coding, Communication, and Computation in the Visual System / Friedrich T. Sommer --
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Contents note continued: V.BRIGHTNESS AND COLOR -- 33.Color Vision and the Retinal Mosaic / David R. Williams -- 34.The Interaction of Rod and Cone Signals: Pathways and Psychophysics / Steven L. Buck -- 35.Brightness and Lightness / Frederick A. A. Kingdom -- 36.Color Appearance, Language, and Neural Coding / Angela M. Brown -- 37.Adaptation in Color and Form Perception / Michael A. Webster -- 38.Color Constancy / Ana Radonjic -- 39.Recent Developments in Comparative Color Vision / Gerald H. Jacobs -- 40.Color in the Primary Visual Cortex / Elizabeth Johnson -- 41.The Processing of Color in Primate Extrastriate Cortex / Karl R. Gegenfurtner -- VI.PATTERN, SURFACE, AND SHAPE -- 42.Spatial Scale in Visual Processing / Robert F. Hess -- 43.Configural Pooling in the Ventral Pathway / Frances Wilkinson -- 44.Contour Integration and the Association Field / Anthony Hayes -- 45.Texture Analysis and Perception / Michael S. Landy --
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Contents note continued: X.CORTICAL MECHANISMS OF ATTENTION, COGNITION, AND MULTIMODAL INTEGRATION -- 69.Perceptual Learning / Takeo Watanabe -- 70.Perceptual Learning and Plasticity in Primary Visual Cortex / Charles D. Gilbert -- 71.Selective Neuronal Synchronization and Attentional Stimulus Selection in Visual Cortex / Pascal Fries -- 72.Visuomotor Control / Melvyn A. Goodale -- 73.The Evolution of Parietal Areas Associated with Visuomanual Behavior: From Grasping to Tool Use / Leah Krubitzer -- 74.Auditory-Visual Interactions / Charles Spence -- 75.Neuroimaging Studies on Human Attention Networks in Visual and Frontoparietal Cortex / Sabine Kastner -- 76.Attentional "Spotlight" in Early Visual Cortex / David C. Somers -- 77.Feature-Based Attention in Primates: Mechanisms and Theoretical Considerations / Paul S. Khayat -- 78.Parietal Mechanisms of Attentional Guidance: The Role of Learning and Cognition / Jacqueline Gottlieb -- XI.INVERTEBRATE VISION --
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Contents note continued: XIII.MOLECULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESSES -- 90.Development of Retinal Arbors and Synapses / Joshua R. Sanes -- 91.The Role of DSCAMs in the Neural Development of the Retina and Visual System / Robert W. Burgess -- 92.The Development of Retinal Decussations / Qing Wang -- 93.Mechanisms of Axon Guidance and Adhesion Signaling in Thalamocortical Axon Targeting / Patricia F. Maness -- 94.Development of Direction Selectivity / Marla B. Feller -- 95.Mechanisms of Visual Cortex Plasticity during Development / Mriganka Sur -- 96.Role of Glial Cells and Immune Molecules in Visual Development / Beth Stevens -- 97.Optic Nerve Regeneration / Silmara De Lima -- 98.Conformity and Specificity of Primate Corticogenesis / Henry Kennedy -- 99.Neural Limitations on Visual Development in Primates: Beyond Striate Cortex / J. Anthony Movshon -- 100.The Molecular and Structural Basis of Amblyopia / Mark F. Bear -- XIV.TRANSLATIONAL VISUAL NEUROSCIENCE --
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Machine generated contents note: 1.A Decade of Progress and New Directions in the Visual Neurosciences / Leo M. Chalupa -- I.RETINAL MECHANISMS AND PROCESSES -- 2.Visual Transduction by Rod and Cone Photoreceptors / Edward N. Pugh, Jr. -- 3.Membrane Protein Transport in Mouse Photoreceptors: Trafficking of Visual Pigments and Transducin / Jeanne M. Frederick -- 4.Photoreceptor-RPE Interactions: Diurnal Phagocytosis / Silvia C. Finnemann -- 5.Information Transfer at the Rod-to-Rod Bipolar Cell Synapse / Alapakkam P. Sampath -- 6.Cone Bipolar Cells: ON and OFF Pathways in the Outer Retina / Steven H. Devries -- 7.Horizontal Cells: Lateral Interactions at the First Synapse in the Retina / Richard H. Kramer -- 8.Stratification of the Inner Plexiform Layer in the Mammalian Retina / Stephen C. Massey -- 9.Mind the Gap: The Functional Roles of Neuronal Gap Junctions in the Retina / Bela Volgyi -- 10.Retinal Connectomics: A New Era for Connectivity Analysis / James R. Anderson --