یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Vesicular trafficking : molecular tools and targets / Elena V. Vassilieva and Asma Nusrat -- Pharmacological inhibition of endocytic pathwas : is it specific enough to be useful? / Andrei I. Ivanov -- In vitro assays to measure SNARE-mediated vesicle fusion / Susanne Kreye, Jörg Malsam, and Thomas H. Söllner -- Imaging Ca²⁺-triggered exocytosis of single secretory granules on plasma membrane lawns from neuroendocrine cells / Thorsten Lang -- FRAP analysis of secretory granule lipids and proteins in the sea urchin egg / Julian L. Wong and Gary M. Wessel -- A cell-free assay for endocytosis of E-cadherin / Toshiaki Sakisaka and Yoshimi Takai -- Cell-surface biotinylation to study endocytosis and recycling of occludin / Noriyuki Nishimura and Takuya Sasaki -- Fractionation of subcellular membrane vesicles of epithelial and nonepithelial cells by OptiPrep density gradient / Xuhang Li and Mark Donowitz -- Identification and characterization of interacting partners of Rab GTPases by yeast two-hybrid analyses / Mark Kail and Angelika Barnekow -- High-throughput analysis of the dynamics of recycling cell surface proteins / Roland Glovers, David E. James, and Adelle C.F. Coster -- Studying phagocytosis by live-cell scintillation proximity assay / Walter Stockinger and Axel Nohturfft -- Transcytosis of polymeric immunoglobin A in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells / Asli Oztan, Christine Rondanino, and Gerard Apodaca -- The use of syntaxin chimeras to study polarized protein trafficking in epithelial cells / Martin B.A. ter Beest -- Targeting the epithelial SNARE machinery by bacterial neurotoxins / Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux and Thierry Galli -- Endocytosis of endothelial cells is regulated by N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor / Munekazu Yamakuchi ... [et al.] -- Molecular dissection of HCL secretion in gastric parietal cells using streptolysin O permeabilization / Xia Ding .. [et al.] -- Addressing membrane protein topology using the fluorescence protease protection (FPP) assay / Holger Lorenz, Dale W. Hailey, and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz -- Visualizing clathrin-mediated IgE receptor internalization by electron and atomic force microscopy / Alan R. Burns ... [et al.] -- Analyzing endosomes in nonsectioned cells by transmission electron microscopy / Willem Stoorvogel -- Imaging exocytosis of single insulin secretory granules with TIRF microscopy / Shinya Nagamatsu and Mica Ohara-Imaizumi -- Reconstitution of depolarization and Ca²⁺-evoked secretion in Xenopus oocytes monitored by membrane capacitance / Roy Cohen, Bernhard M. Schmitt, and Daphne Atlas -- Low-noise recording of single-vesicle capacitance steps in cell-attached patches / Vitaly Klyachko, Zhenjie Zhang, and Meyer Jackson -- Good practices in single-cell amperometry / David J. Machado, Mónica S. Montesinos, and Ricardo Borges -- Analysis of single-vesicle exocytotic events recorded by amperometry / Eugene V. Mosharov -- Application of RNAi technology and fluorescent protein markers to study membrane traffic in Caenorhabditis elegans / Dmitry Poteryaev and Anne Spang -- FM 1-43 labeling of synaptic vesicle pools at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction / Patrik Verstreken, Tomoko Ohyama, and Hugo J. Bellen -- Probing E-cadherin endocytosis by morpholino-mediated Rab5 knockdown in zebrafish / Florian Ulrich and Carl-Philipp Heisenberg -- Quantifying endocytosis in vivo using intravital two-photon microscopy / Ruben M. Sandoval and Bruce A. Molitoris