Trends and Directions in Hydrology / Stephen J Burges -- The Emergence of Global-Scale Hydrology / Peter S Eagleson -- Scale of Fluctuation of Rainfall Models / Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe -- Catchment-Scale Evaporation and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer / Wilfried Brutsaert -- Looking for Hydrologic Laws / James C I Dooge -- Classification of Seasonal Snow Cover Crystals / S C Colbeck -- Modeling Alluvial Channels / David R Dawdy, Vrro A Vanoni -- The "Physics" of Soil Water Physics / Garrison Sposito -- Water Flow and Solute Transport Processes in the Unsaturated Zone / D R Nielsen, M Th van Genuchten, J W Biggar -- On the Simulation of Nonaqueous Phase Organic Compounds in the Subsurface / George F Pinder, Linda M Abriola -- Statistical Theory of Groundwater Flow and Transport: Pore to Laboratory, Laboratory to Formation, and Formation to Regional Scale / Gedeon Dagan -- Stochastic Subsurface Hydrology From Theory to Applications / Lynn W Gelhar -- Use of Systems Analysis in Water Management / Peter P Rogers, Myron B Fiering -- Flood Estimates: How Good Are They? / Ray K Linsley -- Bridging the Gap Between Flood Research and Design Practice / David H Pilgrim -- Dilettantism in Hydrology: Transition or Destiny? / V Klemeš