resource for mental health and legal professionals /
نام نخستين پديدآور
edited by William T. O'Donohue, Eric R. Levensky.
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
xxxii, 1064 pages ;
24 cm
یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Psychology and the law / M.G. Brogdon, Sr., J.H. Adams, R. Bahri -- An introduction to psychology for attorneys / W.T. O'Donohue, K. Beitz, E.R. Levensky -- Ethical issues in forensic psychology / M. Lavin -- Forensic report writing / J.E. Hecker, R.J. Scoular -- Assessment of dangerousness and criminal responsibility / L. Eccleston, T. Ward -- Issues in the assessment, communication, and management of risk for violence / R.J. Dempster -- Forensic and ethical issues in the assessment and treatment of the suicidal patient / K. Strosahl -- Assessing intent and criminal responsibility / R. Roesch, J. Viljoen, I. Hui -- Assessing adjudicative competency: using legal and empirical principles to inform practice / J. Skeem, S.L. Golding, P. Emke-Francis -- Assessing mental competency in the elderly / C. Yury, R.A. Gentry, H. LeRoux, J.A. Buchanan, J.E. Fisher -- Child custody evaluations / A.R. Bradley -- Forensic interviewing and assessment issues with children / M. Fanetti, R. Boles -- Evaluation of psychological damages / A.M. McLearen, C.A. Pietz, R.L. Denney -- Detecting malingering in forensic neuropsychological evaluations in litigants with mild traumatic brain injury / K.E. Ferguson -- The forensic assessment of substance abuse / E.V. Gifford, B.S. Kohlenberg, M.M. Piasecki, E.J. Webber -- Assessment of post-traumatic stress disorder / K. Treadwell, E. Foa -- Conduct disorders and impulse control in children / S.G. Little, K.A. Akin-Little, U.H. Mocniak -- What every forensic psychologist should know about psychopathic personality / E.M. Cale, S.O. Lilienfeld -- Sexual deviance and forensic psychology: a primer / T.P. Sbraga -- Disorders of impulse control / S.J. Hucker -- Developmental disabilities and mental retardation / W.L. Williams, P.M. Ghezzi, E. Burkholder -- Issues in eyewitness testimony / S. Ghetti, J.M. Schaaf, J. Qin, G.S. Goodman -- In search of recovered memories / A.C. Tsai, S.K. Morsbach, E.F. Loftus -- A Daubert testing of hypnotically refreshed testimony in the criminal courts / E.F. Martin -- A critical analysis of the polygraph / E.M. Oksol, W.T. O'Donohue -- Nonverbal detection of deception in forensic contexts / M. Frank, P. Ekman -- Forensic issues in sexual harassment / C. Avina, A.H. Bowers, W.T. O'Donohue -- Legal issues in child abuse and neglect / S.T. Azar, N. Olsen -- Partner violence: assessment, prediction, and intervention / E.R. Levensky, A.E. Fruzzetti -- Elder abuse: guidelines for treatment / D. Henderson, D. Varble, J.A. Buchanan -- Involuntary commitment / B.R. Johnson -- Jurors can be selected: noninformation, misinformation, and their strategic uses for jury selection / D. Davis, W.C. Follette -- Issues of ethnicity in forensic psychology: a model for Hispanics in the United States / M.B. Mahaffey -- Psychology in a secure setting / K.A. Brunswig, R.W. Parham -- Evaluation of youth in the juvenile justice system / R. Otto, R. Borum -- The road to perdition: extreme influence tactics in the interrogation room / D. Davis, W.T. O'Donohue -- What's good for the goose cooks the gander: inconsistencies between the law and psychology of voluntary intoxication and sexual assault / D. Davis, E.F. Loftus.