Following an invitation from the Czechoslovakian The scientific programme consisted of 14 plenary delegates at the First Conference of European Rheo lectures as weIl as 310 short presentations, which were logists at Graz in 1982 and adecision by the European held in six parallel sessions in seven half-day sittings. members of the International Committee of Rheology The provision of a reading room containing submitted at the 1983 "Conference of Engineering Rheology" in manuscripts of talks presented at the meeting proved London, the Rheology Group of the Czechoslovak to be popular and seems a worthwhile addition to any Chemical Society (Chairman: Doz. lug. l. Sestak meeting, at least those holding parallel sessions. There CSc. ) was entrusted with the organization of the Sec was also a display by nine companies of a wide variety ond Conference of European Rheologists. For an of current rheological instruments. outline of the process leading to the decision to hold The programme for accompanying persons befitted such European meetings, see the Introduction to the the historical significance of the region. The evening Proceedings of the First Conference of European programme included an opening ceremony and recep Rheologists; Rheol Acta 21:355-356 (1982). tion on Monday and an informal banquet on Thurs This Conference was held in the Prague Palace of day as weIl as a visit to the opera.
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