1 The Complex Plane -- 1.1 Complex Arithmetic -- 1.2 The Exponential and Applications -- 1.3 Holomorphic Functions -- 1.4 The Relationship of Holomorphic and Harmonic Functions -- 2 Complex Line Integrals -- 2.1 Real and Complex Line Integrals -- 2.2 Complex Differentiability and Conformality -- 2.3 The Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula -- 2.4 A Coda on the Limitations of the Cauchy Integral Formula -- 3 Applications of the Cauchy Theory -- 3.1 The Derivatives of a Holomorphic Function -- 3.2 The Zeros of a Holomorphic Function -- 4 Isolated Singularities and Laurent Series -- 4.1 The Behavior of a Holomorphic Function near an Isolated Singularity -- 4.2 Expansion around Singular Points -- 4.3 Examples of Laurent Expansions -- 4.4 The Calculus of Residues -- 4.5 Applications to the Calculation of Definite Integrals and Sums -- 4.6 Meromorphic Functions and Singularities at Infinity -- 5 The Argument Principle -- 5.1 Counting Zeros and Poles -- 5.2 The Local Geometry of Holomorphic Functions -- 5.3 Further Results on the Zeros of Holomorphic Functions -- 5.4 The Maximum Principle -- 5.5 The Schwarz Lemma -- 6 The Geometric Theory of Holomorphic Functions -- 6.1 The Idea of a Conformal Mapping -- 6.2 Conformal Mappings of the Unit Disc -- 6.3 Linear Fractional Transformations -- 6.4 The Riemann Mapping Theorem -- 6.5 Conformal Mappings of Annuli -- 7 Harmonic Functions -- 7.1 Basic Properties of Harmonic Functions -- 7.2 The Maximum Principle and the Mean Value Property -- 7.3 The Poisson Integral Formula -- 7.4 Regularity of Harmonic Functions -- 7.5 The Schwarz Reflection Principle -- 7.6 Harnack's Principle -- 7.7 The Dirichlet Problem and Subharmonic Functions -- 7.8 The General Solution of the Dirichlet Problem -- 8 Infinite Series and Products -- 8.1 Basic Concepts Concerning Infinite Sums and Products -- 8.2 The Weierstrass Factorization Theorem -- 8.3 The Theorems of Weierstrass and Mittag-Leffler -- 8.4 Normal Families -- 9 Applications of Infinite Sums and Products -- 9.1 Jensen's Formula and an Introduction to Blaschke Products -- 9.2 The Hadamard Gap Theorem -- 9.3 Entire Functions of Finite Order -- 10 Analytic Continuation -- 10.1 Definition of an Analytic Function Element -- 10.2 Analytic Continuation along a Curve -- 10.3 The Monodromy Theorem -- 10.4 The Idea of a Riemann Surface -- 10.5 Picard's Theorems -- 11 Rational Approximation Theory -- 11.1 Runge's Theorem -- 11.2 Mergelyan's Theorem -- 12 Special Classes of Holomorphic Functions -- 12.1 Schlicht Functions and the Bieberbach Conjecture -- 12.2 Extension to the Boundary of Conformal Mappings -- 12.3 Hardy Spaces -- 13 Special Functions -- 13.0 Introduction -- 13.1 The Gamma and Beta Functions -- 13.2 Riemann's Zeta Function -- 13.3 Some Counting Functions and a Few Technical Lemmas -- 14 Applications that Depend on Conformal Mapping -- 14.1 Conformal Mapping -- 14.2 Application of Conformal Mapping to the Dirichlet Problem -- 14.3 Physical Examples Solved by Means of Conformal Mapping -- 14.4 Numerical Techniques of Conformal Mapping -- Appendix to Chapter 14: A Pictorial Catalog of Conformal Maps -- 15 Transform Theory -- 15.0 Introductory Remarks -- 15.1 Fourier Series -- 15.2 The Fourier Transform -- 15.3 The Laplace Transform -- 15.4 The z-Transform -- 16 Computer Packages for Studying Complex Variables -- 16.0 Introductory Remarks -- 16.1 The Software Packages -- Glossary of Terms from Complex Variable Theory and Analysis -- List of Notation -- Table of Laplace Transforms -- A Guide to the Literature -- References.
بدون عنوان
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
This book is written to be a convenient reference for the working scientist, student, or engineer who needs to know and use basic concepts in complex analysis. It is not a book of mathematical theory. It is instead a book of mathematical practice. All the basic ideas of complex analysis, as well as many typical applica tions, are treated. Since we are not developing theory and proofs, we have not been obliged to conform to a strict logical ordering of topics. Instead, topics have been organized for ease of reference, so that cognate topics appear in one place. Required background for reading the text is minimal: a good ground ing in (real variable) calculus will suffice. However, the reader who gets maximum utility from the book will be that reader who has had a course in complex analysis at some time in his life. This book is a handy com pendium of all basic facts about complex variable theory. But it is not a textbook, and a person would be hard put to endeavor to learn the subject by reading this book.
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
شماره استاندارد بين المللي کتاب و موسيقي
Springer eBooks
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Differential equations, Partial.
موضوع مستند نشده
Functions of complex variables.
موضوع مستند نشده
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )