Personality and self-regulation / Rick H. Hoyle -- Relations of self-regulatory/control capacities to maladjustment, social competence, and emotionality / Nancy Eisenberg, Natalie D. Eggum, Julie Vaughan, and Alison Edwards -- Delay of gratification : a review of fifty years of regulation research / Renaee M. Tobin and William G. Graziano -- Self-regulation as the interface of emotional and cognitive development : implications for education and academic achievement / Clancy Blair, Susan Calkins, and Lisa Kopp -- Exploring response-monitoring : developmental differences and contributions to self-regulation / Jennifer M. McDermott and Nathan A. Fox -- Signatures and self-regulation processing : dynamics of the self-system / Carolyn C. Morf and Stephan Horvath -- Self-regulation and the five-factor model of personality traits / Robert R. McCrae and Corinna E. Leockenhoff -- Self-determination theory and the relation of autonomy to self-regulatory processes and personality development / Christopher P. Niemiec, Richard M. Ryan, and Edward L. Deci -- Interest and self-regulation : understanding individual variability in choices, efforts, and persistence over time / Carol Sansone, Dustin B. Thoman, and Jessi L. Smith -- Goal systems and self-regulation : an individual differences perspective / Paul Karoly -- Acting on limited resources : the interactive effects of self-regulatory depletion and individual differences / C. Nathan DeWall, Roy F. Baumeister, David R. Schurtz, and Matthew T. Gailliot -- Working memory capacity and self-regulation / Malgorzata Ilkowska and Randall W. Engle -- Regulatory focus in a demanding world / Abigail A. Scholer and E. Tory Higgins -- Self-efficacy / James E. Maddux and Jeffrey Volkmann -- Dealing with high demands : the role of action versus state orientation / Nils B. Jostmann and Sander L. Koole -- The cybernetic process model of self-control : situation- and person-specific considerations / Eran Magen and James J. Gross -- Modes of self-regulation : assessment and locomotion as independent determinants in goal-pursuit / Arie W. Kruglanski, Edward Orehek, E. Tory Higgins, Antonio Pierro, and Idit Shalev -- The costly pursuit of self-esteem : implications for self-regulation / Jennifer Crocker, Scott Moeller, and Aleah Burson -- Self-regulation of state self-esteem following threat : moderation by trait self-esteem / Michelle R. vanDellen, Erin K. Bradfield, and Rick H. Hoyle -- Individual differences in approach and avoidance : behavioral activation/inhibition and regulatory focus as distinct levels of analysis / Timothy J. Strauman and Wilkie A. Wilson -- Hypo-egoic self-regulation / Mark R. Leary, Claire E. Adams, and Eleanor B. Tate.