Vol. 1.-2. Additions to C-X[pi]&-Bonds - v. 3. Carbon-carbons?-Bond formation -- v. 4. Additions to and substitutions at C-C[pi]&-Bonds -- v. 5. Combining C-C[pi]&-Bonds -- v. 6. Heteroatom manipulation -- v. 7. Oxidation -- v. 8. Reduction -- v. 9. Cumulative indexes.
اطلاعات محلی رکورد
نوع مدرک
English Book
عنوان و نام پديدآور
عنوان اصلي
Comprehensive organic synthesis
ساير اطلاعات عنواني
selectivity, strategy, and efficiency in modern organic chemistry
نام نخستين پديدآور
editor-in-chief Barry M. Trost, deputy editor-in-chief Ian Fleming, volume editor Stuart L. Schreiber