فیلد داده های کد شده : مواد جغرافیایی : خصوصیات فیزیکی
داده هاي کد شده : مواد جغرافيايي : خصوصيات فيزيکي
Women, religion and secularization : one size does not fit all / Giselle Vincett, Sonya Sharma and Kristin Aune -- Christianity -- Religious change in the West : watch the women / Penny Long Marler -- Singleness and secularization : British evangelical women and church (dis)affiliation / Kristin Aune -- When young women say yes : exploring the sexual selves of young Canadian women in Protestant Churches / Sonya Sharma -- Vocational habit(u)s : Catholic nuns in contemporary Poland / Marta Trzebiatowska -- Alternative spiritualities -- The spiritual revolution and the New Age gender puzzle : the sacralization of the self in late modernity, 1980-2000 / Dick Houtman & Stef Aupers -- The soul of soulless conditions : paganism, goddess religion and witchcraft in Canada / Síân Reid -- The fusers : new forms of spiritualized Christianity / Giselle Vincett -- Because I'm worth it : religion and womens changing lives in the West / Linda Woodhead -- Islam -- Counting women with faith : what quantitative data can reveal about Muslim women in secular Britain / Serena Hussain -- Real Islam in Kazan : reconfiguring the modern, knowledge and gender / Sarah Bracke -- Being Muslim and being Canadian : how second generation Muslim women create religious identities in two worlds / Rubina Ramji -- Being seen by many eyes : Muslim immigrant women in the United States / Garbi Schmidt. 0
"With particular emphasis on the emerging role of sentencing commissions, advisory councils or panels in a number of English speaking countries, this book brings together the theoretical perspectives on the role of the public in the development of sentencing policy."--Provided by publisher. 0