I. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of errors.- II. The merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. A midsummer night's dream.- III. Much ado about nothing. Twelfth night. Love's labours lost.- IV. As you like it. The merchant of Venice. A winter's tale.- V. Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. King John.- VI. King Richard the second. pt.1, King Henry the forth, pt.2, King henry the forth .- VII. King Henry the fifth. pt.1, King Henry the sixth. pt.2, King Henry the sixth.- VIII. pt.3, King Henry the sixth. King Richard III. King Henry VIII.- IX. Julius Caesar. Antony and Cleopatra. Troilus and Cressida.- X. Othello. Coriolanus. Timon of Athens.- XI. Hamlet. Romeo and Juliet. Pericles.- XII. King Lear. Cymbeline. Titus Andronicus.- XIII. Macbeth. Poems and sonnets. Glossary
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