V. 1. Effective accounting management -- V. 2. Effective advertising management -- V. 3. Effective business management -- V. 4. Effective food service management -- V. 5. Effective communication management -- V. 6. Effective computer management -- V. 7. Effective ecosystem management -- V. 8. Effective enterprise management -- V. 9. Effective financial management -- V. 10. Effective export management -- V. 11. Effective hardware and software management -- V. 12. Effective hotel management -- V. 13. Effective human systems management -- V. 14. Effective management of human resource -- V. 15. Effective industrial management -- V. 16. Effective information management -- V. 17. Effective international business management -- V. 18. Effective international marketing management -- V. 19. Effective inventory management -- V. 20. Effective investment management -- V. 21. Effective information system management -- V. 22. Effective labour management -- V. 23. Effective maintenance management -- V. 24. Effective manpower management -- V. 25. Effective marketing management -- V. 26. Effective modern management -- V. 27. Effective network management -- V. 28. Effective office management -- V. 29. Effective organisation management -- V. 30. Effective personnel management -- V. 31. Effective production management -- V. 32. Effective productivity and technology management -- V. 33. Effective professional management -- V. 34. Effective programme management -- V. 35. Effective project management -- V. 36. Effective promotion management -- V. 37. Effective public relations management -- V. 38. Effective purchasing and materials management -- V. 39. Effective remuneration management -- V. 40. Effective resource management -- V. 41. Effective retail management -- V. 42. Effective safety and security management -- V. 43. Effective sales management -- V. 44. Effective service management -- V. 45. Effective sports management -- V. 46. Effective strategic management -- V. 47. Effective supervisory management -- V. 48. Effective total quality management -- V. 49. Effective tourism management -- V. 50. Effective training and development of management