601. Reasonableness In Liberal Political Philosophy
Author: \ Edited by Shaun P.Young
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

602. Religion, food, and eating in North America /
Author: edited by Benjamin E. Zeller, Marie W. Dallam, Reid L. Neilson, and Nora L. Rubel
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Dinners and dining-- Caribbean Area, Congresses,Dinners and dining-- North America, Congresses,Dinners and dining-- Religious aspects, Congresses,Food-- Caribbean Area, Congresses,Food habits-- Caribbean Area, Congresses,Food habits-- North America, Congresses,Food-- North America, Congresses,Food-- Religious aspects, Congresses
Classification :

603. Religion, state, and society :
Author: edited by Robert Fatton, Jr. and R. K. Ramazani.
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Jefferson, Thomas,1743-1826.,جفرسون، توماس، ۱۷۴۳-۱۸۲۶,کلیسا و دولت, -- ایالاتمتحده,Church and state -- United States.,Religion and politics.,Freedom of religion.,United States -- Church history.
Classification :

604. Remaking the North American food system :
Author: edited by C. Clare Hinrichs and Thomas A. Lyson.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Food consumption-- North America.,Food industry and trade-- North America.,Produce trade-- North America.,Sustainable development-- North America.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Industries-- Agribusiness.,Food consumption.,Food industry and trade.,Lebensmittelhandel,Lebensmittelindustrie,Lebensmittelverbrauch,Nachhaltigkeit,Produce trade.,Sustainable development.,TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Agriculture-- Sustainable Agriculture.,Nordamerika,North America., 7, 7
Classification :

605. Remaking the North American food system strategies for sustainability
Author: edited by C. Clare Hinrichs and Thomas A. Lyson
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: ، Food industry and trade, North America,، Produce trade, North America,، Food consumption, North America,، Sustainable development, North America
Classification :

606. Rights, legal empowerment, and poverty : an overview of the issues / Dan Banik -- The political economy of legal empowerment of the poor / Arjun Sengupta -- Legal empowerment as a new concept in development : transforming good ideas into global action / Mona Elisabeth Brøther -- Constitutionalism in an insurgent state : rethinking legal empowerment of the poor in a divided Bolivia / John-Andrew McNeish -- Poverty, legal activism, and development in rural China / Susanne Brandtstädter -- The access to justice challenge in Uganda / Donald Rukare -- Legal empowerment and the right to food / Marc Cohen and Mary Ashby Brown -- Are Africans cul
Author: edited by Dan Banik.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

607. Routledge critical stud
Author: edited by Stephen C. Berkwitz, Juliane Schober, and Claudia Brown.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

608. Routledge handbook of global environmental politics /
Author: edited by Paul G. Harris
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Environmental policy-- International cooperation
Classification :

609. Routledge studies in hu
Author: edited by Libby Porter and Kate Shaw.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

610. Safe passages :
Author: edited by Jon P. Beckmann [and others]
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Animals-- Effect of roads on,Habitat conservation,Roads-- Environmental aspects,Wildlife crossings
Classification :

612. Science and conservation of vernal pools in Northeastern North America /
Author: [edited by] Aram J.K. Calhoun, Phillip G. DeMaynadier.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Vernal pool ecology-- Canada, Eastern.,Vernal pool ecology-- Northeastern States.,Vernal pools-- Canada, Eastern.,Vernal pools-- Northeastern States.,Écologie des étangs temporaires de printemps-- Canada (Est),Écologie des étangs temporaires de printemps-- États-Unis (Nord-Est),Étangs temporaires de printemps-- Canada (Est),Étangs temporaires de printemps-- États-Unis (Nord-Est),Vernal pool ecology.,Vernal pools.,Eastern Canada.,Northeastern States., 7, 7
Classification :

613. Serials information from publisher to user: Practice, programs, and progress: 3rd Annual Conference, June 4-7, 1988, Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia
Author: [Edited by] Leigh A. Chatterton, Mary Elizabeth Clack
Library: Library of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Serials control systems-Congresses,Serial publications-Congresses
Classification :

614. Shahsavan Iranian rugs and textiles /
Author: [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

615. Social justice and neoliberalism :
Author: edited by Adrian Smith, Alison Stenning and Katie Willis.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Economic development-- Political aspects, Congresses.,Economic development-- Social aspects, Congresses.,Neoliberalism, Congresses.,Social justice, Congresses.,Economic development-- Political aspects.,Economic development-- Social aspects.,Neoliberalism.,Neoliberalismus,POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Ideologies-- Conservatism & Liberalism.,Social justice.,Soziale Gerechtigkeit
Classification :

616. Social media and crisis communication /
Author: edited by Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Communication in crisis management.,Social media.,Communication in crisis management.,Media Studies.,Social media.
Classification :

617. South Asian history: an introduction -- Modernity and antiquity: interpretations of ancient India -- Pre-modern accommodation of difference: the making of Indo-Islamic cultures -- The Mughal Empire: state, economy and society -- India between empires: decline or decentralization? -- The transition to colonialism: resistance and collaboration -- The first century of British rule, 1757 to 1857: state and economy -- Company Raj and Indian society, 1757 to 1857: reinvention and reform of tradition -- 1857: rebellion, collaboration and the transition to Crown Raj -- High noon of colonialism, 1858 to 1914: state and political economy -- A nation
Author: Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

618. Staging international feminisms
Author: edited by Elaine Aston and Sue-Ellen Case.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Electronic books

619. Success strategies for women in science :
Author: edited by Peggy A. Pritchard.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Science-- Vocational guidance.,Women in science-- Vocational guidance.,Achievement.,Career Mobility.,Female,Humans.,Science.,Vocational Guidance.,Women, Working.,Femmes dans les sciences-- Orientation professionnelle.,Sciences-- Orientation professionnelle.,Science-- Vocational guidance.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Women's Studies.,Women in science-- Vocational guidance.
Classification :

620. Teaching with Global politics, a new introduction -- Introduction / Jenny Edkins, Maja Zehfuss -- How do we begin to think about the world? / Véronique Pin-Fat -- What happens if we don't think in human terms? / Simon Dalby -- Who do we think we are? / Annick T.R. Wibben -- How do religious beliefs affect politics? / Peter Mandaville -- Why do we obey? / Jenny Edkins -- How do we find out what's going on in the world? / Debbie Lisle -- Why is people's movement restricted? / Roxanne Lynn Doty -- Why is the world divided territorially? / Stuart Elden -- How does the nation-state work? / Michael J. Shapiro -- Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past? / Kate Manzo -- How is the world organized economically? / V. Spike Pe
Author: edited by Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)