201. <The> Press and Poetry of Modern Persia Partly Based on the Manuscript Work of Mirza Muhammad Ali Khan Tarbiyat of Tabriz
Author: / by Edward G. Browne
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Iranian Periodicals - History,Iranian Newspapers - History,Persian Poetry - History
Classification :

202. The Tarikh-I-Jadid or new history of Mirza Ali Muhammad the Bab
Author: / by Mirza Huseyn of Hamadani translated from the persian, with an introduction, illustrations, and appendices, by Edward G. Browne
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Ali Muhammad, Shirazi, Called ul- Bab, 1821- 1850,Babism
Classification :

203. The Ta`rikh - i - guzida
Author: / or, " Select history " of Hamu'lla'h Mustawfi - i- Qazwini" Select history " of Hamu'lla'h Mustawfi - i- Qazwini, compiled in A. H. 730 (A. D. 1330) and now repoduced in fac - simile from a manuscript dated A. H. 857 (A. D. 1453) with an introduction by Edward G. Browne. Leyden .E. J. Brill,Hamd Allah
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Persia -- Hist.,Islamic Empire.,Islam
Classification :

204. The Tarikh-i-jadid
Author: by Huseyn Hamadani; translated from the persian by Edward G. Browne
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Ali Muhammad, Shiraza, 1821-1850,Babism

205. The new history (Tarikh i..Jadid) of Mirza Ali Muhammad, The Bab: being an account of the origins and growth of the Babi religion and its founder
Author: / by Mirza Huseyn of Hamadan
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
Subject: بابیگری -- تاریخ,باب، علیمحمدبن محمدرضا، ۱۲۳۶؟ - ق۱۲۶۶
Classification :
۲۰۴۹۲ ۱۳۵۴

206. The new history of Mirza Ali Muhammed, the Bab
Author: /translated and edited By Edward G. Browne.,Browne
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Bab, Ali Muhammad Shirazi,,1819-1850.,Babis,Biography.
Classification :

207. The pearl strings, a history of the resuliyy dynasty of yemen,.
Author: / by Aliyyu'bnu'l-Hasan el-Khazrejiyy with translation introduction, annotations, index, tables, maps by Sir J. W. Redhouse. edited by E. G. Browne, R. A. Nicholson, and A. Rogers, and prini for the trustees of the E. J. Brill
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Yemen - History
Classification :

208. The political and poetry of modern Persia;
Author: Compiled and translated by Edward G. Browne
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Press--Iran.,Persian newspapers-- Bibliography,Persian poetry--Translations into English. [from old catalog],Iran--Politics and government. [from old catalog]

209. The political poetry of modrn Persia
Author: / compiled and translated by Edward G. Browne,Browne,Browne
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Persian poetry -- Translations into English
Classification :

210. The press and poetry of modern Persia
Author: by EDWARD G. BROWNE.
Library: The library of the holy threshold of Hazrat Fatima Masoumeh (peace be upon her) (Qom)
Subject: Persian newspapers,روزنامههای فارسی,Persian poetry,شعر فارسی,Persian poetry,شعر فارسی, -- Bibliography*, -- مقاله نامه, -- Translations into English, -- ترجمه شده به انگلیسی,a06,a06,a08,a08,a11,a11
Classification :

211. The press and poetry of modern Persia
Author: / by Edward G. Browne,Brown
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Press-- Persia,Persian newspapers-- Bibliography,Persian poetry-- Collections,Persian poetry --Translations into English,English poetry-- Transiotions from Persian,Persia-- Politics and government
Classification :

212. The press and poetry of modern Persia
Author: / by Edward G. Brown,Browne
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Persian newspapers-- Bibliography,Persian Poetry,Persian Poetry -- Translations into English
Classification :

213. <The> press and poetry of modern Persia
پدیدآورنده : / by Edward G. Browne
موضوع :
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
214. The press and poetry of modern Persia: partly based on the manuscript work of Mirza Muhammad Ali Khan "Tarbiyat" of Tabriz
Author: Browne, Edward Granville
Library: Central Library of APLL (Tehran)
Subject: Bibliography ، Persian newspapers,، Persian poetry,Translations into English ، Persian poetry
Classification :

215. The press and poetry of modern Persia : partly based on the manuscript work of Mirza Muhammad Ali Khan "Tarbiyat" of Tabriz
Author: Browne, Edward Granville
Library: Central Library of APLL (Tehran)
Subject: Bibliography ، Persian newspapers,، Persian poetry,Translations into English ، Persian poetry
Classification :

216. The press and poetry of modern Persia; Partly based on the manuscript work of Mirza Muhammad Ali Khan Tarbiyat of Tabriz
پدیدآورنده : By Edward G. Browne
موضوع : Press-- Iran,Persian newspapers-- Bibliography,Persian poetry-- 11th century,Persian poetry-- Translations into English. [from old catalog],Iran-- Politics and government. [from old catalog]
۵ نسخه از این کتاب در ۵ کتابخانه موجود است.
217. The reign of terror at Tabriz
پدیدآورنده :
موضوع : Iran - History - 1905-1911,Tabriz
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
218. The reign of terror at Tabriz; England's responsibility (With photographs and a brief narrative of the events of December, 1911, and January, 1912.)
پدیدآورنده : Compiled for the use of the persia committee by Edward G. Browne
موضوع : Iran --History --1905-1911,Tabriz (Iran)
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
219. The ta rikh- i- Guzida or "select history ``
Author: / compild by Edward G. Browne indices of the fac-simile texte by R. A. Nicjolson,Hamdu`llah Mustawfi- I - Qazwini
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Tehran University (Tehran)
Subject: Iran -- Hist,Prophites - Hist
Classification :

220. The tarikh-i-Guzida or "Select history"
Author: By Hamdu'llah Mustawfi-i-Qazwini; Compiled in A.H. 730 (A.D. 1330) and now abridged in English from a manscript dated A.H. 857 (A.D. 1453) by Edward G. Browne; With indices of the fac-simile text by R. A. Nicholson
Library: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Iran -- History