1. Introduction: the concern for quality / Geoffrey D. Doherty -- 2. The consumer paradigm in public management / Sue Richards -- 3. Quality issues in higher education: a post-modern phenomenon? / M.J. Harrison -- 4. The idea of quality: voicing the educational / Ronald Barnett -- 5. Total Quality Management in education: the theory and how to put it to work / Myron Tribus -- 6. Is there a place for Total Quality Management in higher education? / Jacky Holloway -- 7. Staff appraisal training and Total Quality Management / Jeff Jones and John Mathias -- 8. Total Quality Management in higher education: learning from the factories / Dean L. Hubbard -- 9. Bringing total quality improvement into the college classroom / W. Lee Hansen -- 10. Doing Total Quality Management the hard way: installing BS 5750/ISO 9001 at the University of Wolverhampton / Susan Storey -- 11. A foot in two camps: doing BS 5750/ISO 9001 in higher education and industry / Helen Stott.
Text of Note
12. A quality journey: the experience of Avon Training and Enterprise Council / John Marsh -- 13. From systems to leadership: the development of the quality movement in further education / Edward Sallis -- 14. Listening to the voice of the customer / Sam Schauerman, Donna Manno and Burt Peachy -- 15. Sandwell College and BS 5750: a syncretistic pilgrimage? / Iain MacRobert -- 16. The application of quality management principles in education at Mt Edgecumbe High School, Sitka, Alaska / Myron Tribus -- 17. The Buckpool experience of developing quality systems / Geoff Hampton -- 18. On the road to quality / Lewis A. Rhodes -- 19. Networking for quality improvement: a Local Education Authority strategy / Ian Cleland.
Text of Note
Presents an overview of the pitfalls and problems of implementing quality standards in education. The text looks at the practical advantages and disadvantages of quality systems, case studies of attempts at implementation and proposals for developments across the education sector as a whole.
School management and organization-- Great Britain.
Total quality management-- Great Britain.
Education, Higher-- Quality control.
Quality assurance-- standards.
Quality assurance-- Standards.
School management and organization-- Great Britain.