I AIRWAY -- 1. Endotracheal intubation, oral and nasal -- 2 Percutaneous Tracheostomy -- 3 Open Tracheostomy -- 4 Cricothyroidotomy -- 5 Bronchoscopy -- II CHEST -- 6 Chest tube placement -- 7 Thoracentesis with U/S guidance -- 8 Heimlich valve catheter placement -- 9 ECMO cannulation and management -- III CARDIOVASCULAR -- 10 Central line placement subclavian -- 11 Internal jugular vein catheter, with and without ultrasound guidance -- 12 Swan Ganz catheter placement -- 13 Arterial line placement with and without ultrasound guidance -- 14 Bedside IVC Filter placement -- 17 Pericardiocentesis with ultrasound guidance -- 18 Resuscitative Thoracotomy -- 19 Intra-aortic Balloon Placement -- 20 REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta) Placement -- IV DIAGNOSTIC ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY -- 21 Bedside focused echocardiography (including TEE and TTE) -- 22 Vascath/Dialysis catheter placement -- V CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM -- 23 ICP monitor placement -- 24 Spinal Paracentesis -- 25 Epidural Catheter Analgesia -- VI COMPARTMENT SYNDROMES -- 26 Upper and Lower Extremity Compartment pressure measurement -- 27 Abdominal Compartment pressure measurement (Bladder Pressures) -- 28 Bedside Laparotomy/Decompression of abdominal compartment syndrome -- 29 Escharotomy for Burns -- VII ABDOMEN, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT -- 30 Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage -- 31 Percutaneous Gastrostomy -- 32 Blakemore tube placement for esophageal varices.
Text of Note
This atlas is designed to provide an all-inclusive resource that describes step by step how to perform the essential bedside procedures required to provide optimal care to the critically ill patient. Detailed descriptions of these procedures, with sequential photographs depicting each critical step, provide an in depth understanding of the anatomy, critical technical steps and common pitfalls to both military and civilian trainees. For the advanced professional operator, this atlas will provide a rapid refresher of the critical steps and is an excellent teaching resource, based on the decades of collective experience accumulated by the authors. The top quality photographs of perfused and ventilated cadavers makes this atlas a standard reference for surgeons, critical care physicians, nurses and all critical care professionals.