Intro; Foreword; Historical Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Part I: Basic Science of the Testis; Chapter 1: Testis Development, Embryology, and Anatomy; References; Chapter 2: Descent of the Fetal Testis from the Abdomen to the Scrotum; References; Chapter 3: Adult Testis Anatomy; References; Chapter 4: Structure of the Seminiferous Tubules; Chapter 5: Blood Supply to the Testis; References; Chapter 6: Histology of the Testis and Spermatogenesis; References; Chapter 7: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis; References; Further Reading; Chapter 8: Meiosis.
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10.3.1 Details of the ICSI Technique (Figs. 10.4a-d, 10.5a-c)10.3.2 Pitfalls of Sperm Injection (ICSI) (Fig. 10.5b, c); Avoiding Damage to the Egg Nucleus and Spindle; The Membrane Is Invaginated by the Injection Pipette but Not Broken; Catching the Sperm; Problem of the Sperm Swimming Around Inside the Egg Substance; 10.3.3 Preparing the Eggs and the Sperm for ICSI; Eggs; Preparation of the Sperm (Which Is the Same as for IUI, Intrauterine Insemination); The Pipettes Used for Injection.
Text of Note Picking Up the Sperm, Breaking the Tail, and Injecting It into the Egg10.3.3.5 Fertilization and Cleavage; References; Chapter 11: Azoospermia; 11.1 Evaluation of the Azoospermic Man; 11.2 Diagnostic Testicle Biopsy; 11.3 Microsurgical Vasovasostomy; 11.4 Technique of Vasovasostomy; 11.5 Results of Vasovasostomy; 11.6 Microsurgical Vasoepididymostomy; 11.7 Congenital Absence of Vas; 11.8 MESA: Microsurgical Sperm Aspiration with ICSI; 11.9 Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) for Nonobstructive Azoospermia (NOA); 11.10 The Round Spermatid Controversy.
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11.11 Micro-TESE: What Is the Best Method?11.12 Best Method for Micro-TESE; References; Chapter 12: Karyotyping of Infertile Males and Their ICSI Offspring; 12.1 Karyotyping; 12.2 Klinefelter's Syndrome; References; Chapter 13: Donor Sperm; 13.1 Is It My Baby?; 13.2 How to Select the Donor; 13.3 Frozen Sperm and Sperm Banks; 13.4 Insemination with Donor Sperm or ICSI with Donor Sperm; Chapter 14: Cryopreservation of Sperm; 14.1 Introduction; 14.2 Methodology Details; 14.3 Single Sperm Cryopreservation; References; Chapter 15: Varicocele.
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Part II: Evaluation and Treatment of Male InfertilityReferences; Chapter 9: Evaluation of Male Infertility; 9.1 How to Interpret the Semen Analysis; 9.2 Male Infertility and the Female Factor; 9.3 Sperm Morphology; 9.4 Zona Binding, Sperm Penetration, and In Vitro Fertilization; 9.5 Other Various Tests of Sperm Function; References; Chapter 10: Treatment of Male Infertility; 10.1 Critique of Classic Andrologic Treatments; 10.2 Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) for Male Infertility; 10.3 How Is ICSI Done and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).
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This book analyzes the basic science and treatment of male factor infertility with Dr. Silber's characteristic honesty and clear thinking. It describes finally what works and what doesn't work. It will inspire everyone in reproductive medicine (Gynecologists, Urologists, Embryologists and Endocrinologists) who wish to better understand male infertility.