1 Introduction --; 2 History and Current Development --; 3 Orbital Environment --; 4 Environmental Control and Life Support System --; 5 Power and Thermal Control System --; 6 Attitude and Orbit Control System --; 7 Utilization --; 8 Microgravity --; 9 System Engineering --; 10 Synergisms --; 11 Human Factors --; 12 Logistics, Communications and Operation --; 13 The International Space Station --; References --; Fundamental Constants.
Text of Note
The design of space stations like the recently launched ISS is a highly complex and interdisciplinary task. This book describes component technologies, system integration, and the potential usage of space stations in general and of the ISS in particular. It so adresses students and engineers in space technology. Ernst Messerschmid holds the chair of space systems at the University of Stuttgart and was one of the first German astronauts.