Lecture notes in control and information sciences, 194.
Text of Note
Mathematical Background --; Realization Probabilities in Closed Jackson Networks --; Realization Factors in State-Dependent Networks --; Systems with General Distributions --; Multiclass Networks and Networks with Blocking --; Sensitivity Analysis of Generalized Semi-Markov Processes --; Operational Sensitivity Analysis --; Explicit Formulas, Algorithms, and Applications to Optimization.
Text of Note
The theory of the operation of many modern man-made discrete event systems such as manufacturing systems, computer and communications networks largely belongs in the domain of queuing theory and operations research. However, some recent research indicates that the evolution of these man-made systems demonstrates dynamic features that are similar to those of natural physical systems. This monograph presents a multidisciplinary approach to the study of discrete event systems, and is complementary to textbooks in queuing and control systems theories.