1. HIV Prevention in Youth: A Framework for Research and Action --;2. Good Girls? Bad Boys? Gender and Development as Contexts for Diagnosis and Treatment --;3. Attrition in Child Psychotherapy --;4. Preventive Intervention Research: Pathways for Extending Knowledge of Child/Adolescent Health and Pathology --;5. Cognition and Negative Affectivity --;6. Television Viewing Methodology to Understand Cognitive Processing of ADHD Children --;7. Family Dysfunction and the Disruptive Disorders: A Review of Recent Empirical Findings --;8. Adolescent Peer Social Competence: A Critical Review of Assessment Methodologies and Instruments --;9. Depression in Adolescents: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives.
Text of Note
This volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology, which is the second under our editorship and the sixteenth of the series, continues the tradi- tion of including a broad range of timely topics on the study and treat- ment of children and adolescents.