Columbia studies in political thought/political history
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-300) and index
Text of Note
PART I. WHAT IS "THE PLEBS"? Historical Genesis of the Plebeian Principle ; The Roman Republic: The First Plebeian Secession (494 BCE) ; Florence: The Ciompi Revolt (1378) ; Romans: Carnival and Revolt (1580) ; Excursus 1: On the "Originary Division of the Social" ; Naples: The Revolt of Masaniello (1647) ; Excursus 2: On the "Intractable" ; Philosophical Genesis of the Plebeian Principle ; Machiavelli: The Plebs, Conflict, and Freedom ; Montesquieu: In the Praise of Division ; Vico: The Plebs and the "History of All the Cities of the World" ; Ballanche: The Plebeian Principle ; De Leon: The Leaders of the Plebs ; Foucault: The Plebs--Baseness or Resistance? ; Rancière: The Plebeian Disagreement ; Answer to the Question, " What is 'the Plebs'?" -- PART II. THE QUESTION OF THE FORMS OF POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. Prologue: On the dominant political configuration of modernity ; Sectional Societies and the Sans-Culottes of Paris ; Origin and Action of the Sectional Societies ; First Exemplary Political Struggle: Against Centralization ; Second Exemplary Political Struggle: Against the Great Specialists ; A Practice of Insurrection ; The Insurrection Against the Girondins ; The Insurrection Against the Thermidoreans -- The London Corresponding Society and the English Jacobins ; On the Plebs: Thinking with Thompson Against Thompson ; On the English Jacobins ; Eighteenth-Century England and the French Revolution ; "That the Number of Our Members Be Unlimited" ; "The Liberty Tree" ; A Heritage Without a Testament? ; Plurality ; Political Capacity ; Otherness ; New Political Spaces ; Active Citizenship ; The Paris Commune of 1871 and the Communards ; What is a Communard ; Toward the Paris Commune: A Political Apprenticeship ; Political Clubs Under the Commune: A Radical Democracy ; The Communalist Contribution: Critique of Politics, Practice of Freedom -- PART III. THE NATURE OF THE HUMAN BOND. Prologue: Social bond, political bond, and modernity ; The Sans-Culottes: A Political Bond of Fraternity ; The Sans-Culottes: A Political Bond ; Fraternity in Action ; Politics, Violence, and Fraternity: A Tenuous Political Bond ; Rousseau's Legacy? On Undividedness Among the Sans-Culottes -- 7. The English Jacobins: A Political Bond of Plurality ; The Industrial Revolution in England ; The Break-Up of the Traditional Social Bond ; Rebonding: The London Corresponding Society ; A Political Bond of Division? -- 8. The Communards: A Political Bond of Association ; The Political Situation in France Before the Commune ; A Core Principle of Communal Action: Association ; Association as Political Bond ; Dividedness or Undividedness Among the Communards?