The Reader's digest great encyclopedic dictionary: including Funk & Wagnalls Standard college dictionary
Pleasantville, N. Y.
Reader's Digest Association
xviii,2094p.: ill., maps
Supplements: p.]1567[-2094 Foreign-language dictionaries: Langenscheidt's universal German-English, English-German, Larousse's French-English, English-French. The University of Chicago Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Condensed by Jess Altman ]and others[--The English language: The story of writing by I.J. Gelb. A brief history of the English language, by A. W. Read. Word origins, by W. Funk ... -- Specialized dictionaries: A dictionary of space, by W. Ley. A dictionary of medical terms. A dictionary of selected American slang, by H. Wentworth and S.B. Flexner. A dictionary of quotations from the Reader's digest ... --How to find out what you want to know, by C.W. Ferguson