Saudi Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers' Attitudes and Perspectives Toward Inclusion in Preschools:
Alfurayh, Hana Abdulaziz
Planning for Success
Dinaro, Andrea
Concordia University Chicago
Concordia University Chicago
This quantitative study investigated the attitudes and perspectives of Saudi Early Childhood Education (ECE) practicum students in a major city in Saudi Arabia toward including children with disabilities in preschools and the principles of the high-quality inclusion. The attitudes and perspectives of 72 practicum students in two universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) toward inclusion/principles of high-quality inclusion were measured using a survey that contains best inclusive practices as highlighted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and high-quality inclusion principles in ECE as specified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) - Division for Early Childhood (DEC). Participants were asked to rate the importance of applying inclusive practices in preschool and their perceived levels of readiness to carry out these practices. In addition, the survey investigated the differences in attitudes and perspectives between students from University 1 and students from University 2. Results showed that most attitudes of the ECE practicum students toward inclusion/high-quality inclusion in preschool were neutral. However, the participants had high confidence in their readiness to applying inclusive practices in preschool. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this research would help in predicting the quality of inclusion in preschool programs in the KSA through investigating the attitudes and perspectives of future ECE teachers. In addition, the study brings to light the importance of improving the attitudes of future and current ECE teachers by offering ECE dual-certificate programs in Saudi universities.