An investigation of export performance variations attributable to corporate export market orientation.
Akyol, Ayse.
University of Portsmouth
University of Portsmouth
This thesis documents a study of the dimensions of export market orientationassociated with export performance. In particular, the research objective is toexamine empirically the development and support of a corporate exportmarket orientation and its successful implementation in Turkish clothingcompanies, as evidenced by successful export performance, and toinvestigate variations in export performance which may be related to exportmarket orientation.In summary, this research aimed to explore the nature of market orientation inan international context by using empirical data from a sample of companiesto examine some hypotheses regarding market orientation as applied toexport operations in Turkish clothing industry. This aim was fulfilled by reliablyand validly measuring the key constructs of export market orientation andfinding statistically significant relationships between dependent andindependent variables. The results of this thesis draw conclusions from anempirical investigation showing that the proposed relationship between exportmarket orientation and export performance does exist, and in the case ofTurkish clothing exporters, improving an export market orientation level is asignificant contributor to the company's export performance.In order to explore the relationship between export market orientation andexport performance, a two phase research design was adopted andconducted in the Turkish clothing industry. The sample for both stages weredrawn from a listing of the member companies of the Turkish Textile andApparel Exporters Association. This listing by the Association is complete andaccurate because of the control which obligates exporters to register all theirexport actions.First, an exploratory phase was conducted in order to gain a clearerunderstanding of key issues. The stage 1 study was based on 103 responses received from a sample frame of 156 companies representing a 66 0/0response rate. The primary objective of the first stage research was todevelop a profile of the characteristics of the industry. Data generation wasachieved through mail questionnaires and respondents were top managers ofthe selected companies.Second, the Cadogan, Diamantopoulos, and de Mortanges (1997) constructwas used to test the hypothesis. The stage 2 study was based on 163responses received from a sample frame of 384 companies representing a43.47 % response rate. Data generation was achieved through mailquestionnaires and respondents were again top managers of the selectedcompanies. Results were analysed using the SPSS statistical analysiscomputer package. The findings, based on a sample of Turkish clothingexporters, show that the instrument developed by Cadogan, Diamantopoulos,and de Mortanges (1997) is reliable and exhibits content and convergentvalidity.Regression analysis found a significant effect of the level of export marketorientation on dimensions of export performance. The positive relationshipbetween export market orientation and dimensions of export performanceindicated that a high level of export market orientation leads to a higher levelof export performance and a low level of export market orientation produce alower level of export performance.The research hypotheses are supported by the results of the study. The multidimensionaloperationalisation of export market orientation allowed the testingof the relationship between the dimensions of export market orientation withdimensions of export performance. Generally, there is a strong relationshipbetween the dimensions of export market orientation and dimensions ofexport performance.